Waterfarms = Blue Mountain Durban - White Widow - White Russian


Well-Known Member
They look great. Normally for me anyway RH goes up when plants get that big.This is why I do a perpetual grow humidity is always up as there’s always a big plant somewhere in my room. Right now I’m at 60% and can’t get it lower even with exhaust fan full speed and I only run small leds
Oh and I run the cheap nutes from QG. They even sell in powdered form so u mix yourself even cheaper.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for letting me know what your humidity levels are. Mine was down at 19% during this cold snap. Good to know that once my plants get bigger I can hopefully stop using the humidifier. I suppose the water farm gives your higher humidity than a soil grow.
I'm in the NW part of town and get my water from bearspaw. I also have RO at my house for drinking water. Here is a link to the cities drinking water page, it shows the south side has harder water. http://www.calgary.ca/UEP/Water/Pages/Drinking-water/Annual-water-quality-report/Water-Quality-Parameters.aspx#north

Lately I've been getting my supplies from golden acre, they charge more on average but they keep there soils and other bagged goods dry and inside. I was using quick grow but had a bad experience with the tent I got from them. I'm cheap so I just use Maxigro and Maxibloom.

Your girls are rockin it Dayzt!


Well-Known Member
Also great to meet another YYC grower!
finally figured out what yyc referred to!!
guess i should have known thanks to Geddy Lee and the boys with YYZ (toronto). duh!

have you tried a WF with an airstone in the bottom res? that's how i do mine. and i also do drain to waste by cutting the blue tubing an inch above the white line.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for letting me know what your humidity levels are. Mine was down at 19% during this cold snap. Good to know that once my plants get bigger I can hopefully stop using the humidifier. I suppose the water farm gives your higher humidity than a soil grow.
I'm in the NW part of town and get my water from bearspaw. I also have RO at my house for drinking water. Here is a link to the cities drinking water page, it shows the south side has harder water. http://www.calgary.ca/UEP/Water/Pages/Drinking-water/Annual-water-quality-report/Water-Quality-Parameters.aspx#north

Lately I've been getting my supplies from golden acre, they charge more on average but they keep there soils and other bagged goods dry and inside. I was using quick grow but had a bad experience with the tent I got from them. I'm cheap so I just use Maxigro and Maxibloom.

Your girls are rockin it Dayzt!
You would think dwc gives more humidity,not for me.Put a large dirt pot in the room and soak it that does more then my pails,even with lots of air.


Well-Known Member
They look great. Normally for me anyway RH goes up when plants get that big.This is why I do a perpetual grow humidity is always up as there’s always a big plant somewhere in my room. Right now I’m at 60% and can’t get it lower even with exhaust fan full speed and I only run small leds
Oh and I run the cheap nutes from QG. They even sell in powdered form so u mix yourself even cheaper.
Good info myke - thanks! Honestly, I've never really paid much attention to my humidity (probably should be watching it closer). I know it's super-dry here, so too much humidity should never be an issue as far as mold, etc... but I think (as you said) that once the plants reach a certain size, they maintain their own humidity in a sense. A long as you have enough plants together, or larger plants in the same grow area. I've also been foliar spraying with just straight ph'd water - sometimes twice a day (during lights-on). This temporarily brings the humidity up as well for me.

BMD looks lush.
Thanks DD! The BMD is quite large, and appears to be spreading itself out more and more. I'm hoping to see it grow upwards more now with flowering, instead of expanding out to the sides much more..lol.

Thanks for letting me know what your humidity levels are. Mine was down at 19% during this cold snap. Good to know that once my plants get bigger I can hopefully stop using the humidifier. I suppose the water farm gives your higher humidity than a soil grow.
I'm in the NW part of town and get my water from bearspaw. I also have RO at my house for drinking water. Here is a link to the cities drinking water page, it shows the south side has harder water. http://www.calgary.ca/UEP/Water/Pages/Drinking-water/Annual-water-quality-report/Water-Quality-Parameters.aspx#north

Lately I've been getting my supplies from golden acre, they charge more on average but they keep there soils and other bagged goods dry and inside. I was using quick grow but had a bad experience with the tent I got from them. I'm cheap so I just use Maxigro and Maxibloom.

Your girls are rockin it Dayzt!
Thanks P4L! I've had some 'interesting' experiences with Quick Grow as well.. (the one on Edmonton Tr there..?). I've since been going to Incredigrow on McLeod there near the Tom's Pizza. They're pretty good, and actually have some knowledgeable staff that can assist with Cannabis specific grows. I usually pay around $30-35 for a bag of hydroton for my waterfarms there - not too cheap, but I've found it be worth it..

I think the waterfarms indeed give a bit of extra humidity in the room, as the fans are hitting it and the exposed water is always flowing. Not a huge amt more, but I'm sure it makes a bit of a difference compared to soil.

Very nice mate...
Thanks Mellow - I appreciate the comment! Please follow along at your convenience and feel free to post any comments or questions! :weed:

finally figured out what yyc referred to!!
guess i should have known thanks to Geddy Lee and the boys with YYZ (toronto). duh!

have you tried a WF with an airstone in the bottom res? that's how i do mine. and i also do drain to waste by cutting the blue tubing an inch above the white line.

Welcome rkymtnman! Any RUSH fan is welcome here!!! :grin::clap:

I did try an airstone in one of my previous waterfarm grows - it was actually one of those water-snakes that does the same thing, but instead of a round stone-like output, it's a long-spongy peice that the hose pumps air through..worked pretty well, but I didn't actually see enough of an improvement to keep use it. I probably should be using some sort of waterstone though - just haven't remembered to get that put in from the start..lol.

For my flushes, I simply put my waterfarms up on pieces of styrofoam and turn the blue tube down and drain it out into a container - then have a mixed replacement bucket ready to add-back through the top hydroton. It's a bit of work, but I really only flush them about once every 3-4 weeks..lol.

You would think dwc gives more humidity,not for me.Put a large dirt pot in the room and soak it that does more then my pails,even with lots of air.
Hmmm, that sounds like a good idea - some kind of soil that have lots of humus in it so it retains water longer. I keep meaning to try out some CO2 bottles as well (pop-bottles with yeast, sugar and water in them, and tubing installed in the cap), but I don't know that I really need it...and they kinda smell bad..lol.


Well-Known Member
Your gonna need some sort of support for girls that big. I’d do it now as there only going to get bigger.
scrog will really increase the yield.


Well-Known Member
Your gonna need some sort of support for girls that big. I’d do it now as there only going to get bigger.
scrog will really increase the yield.
The BMD is definitely going to need support on the sides eventually. In the next few weeks, I'm planning to do some major pruning through the middle and bottom of that plant - once it's cleaned up some, I'll look into how I'm going to support it better for sure. I've run into this many times before... :razz: I'll likely be using some strings to hold up the outside branches as they stretch. There's not much extra room in my tent to scrog them, and putting in a screen in almost impossible at this point. I was thinking of possibly using some sort of netting around the bottom and gathering it upwards to support the outside edges of the plant(s), but we'll see.

The WR is looking like it will have some large stalks and may need support towards the end - but again, I'll worry about that later once they start putting on heavy weight - in the past, I've supported long stalky buds with gardening wire...may end up doing that again for her.

The WW is truly a round bush, and I don't forsee much need to support it as I see it thickening up mostly and not stretching out to need support - much like my AOS did (see link in my sig).



Well-Known Member
Seams like the tents are never big enough eh!They look great,looking forward to the rest of the grow.


Well-Known Member
Seams like the tents are never big enough eh!They look great,looking forward to the rest of the grow.
Totally!! LOL... After my Tangerine Dream grow (also linked in my sig there..), I've proven that a plant can definitely 'fill it's space' and push on it's walls to show that she doesn't especially like being held back horizontally!! :lol: These 3 are definitely 'shoulder-to-shoulder' in there - I can't imagine trying to grow 4 plants in one tent when they expand like this..lol.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
And that’s why I love the waterfarms !!! They can grow some big ass plants ! Props to you man ! Keep it up looking like some beautiful ladies
Thanks King! Yes, I've had really good luck with the waterfarms - even for beginner growers, you can get really great results your first time as long as you keep your pH in range in check. I've found that sometimes it can be a bit slow to start, but once they take off.... :leaf: :weed:

Dragon Daddy

Well-Known Member
Thanks King! Yes, I've had really good luck with the waterfarms - even for beginner growers, you can get really great results your first time as long as you keep your pH in range in check. I've found that sometimes it can be a bit slow to start, but once they take off.... :leaf: :weed:
I’ve never ph tested and I’m about to start practicing and as soon as I feel some comfort and have some extra cash I will be getting one of these water farm things. Your results speak for themselves. If they’re good for beginners , even better.


Well-Known Member
I’ve never ph tested and I’m about to start practicing and as soon as I feel some comfort and have some extra cash I will be getting one of these water farm things. Your results speak for themselves. If they’re good for beginners , even better.
For sure DD! I would suggest checking out my Tangerine Dream journal (linked in my signature there), which was my first waterfarm grow... also links in there to ScottyBalls' waterfarm grow - tons or great beginner watefarm info there...


Well-Known Member
Adding some personal journal notes here as a reference:

- Raised the lights all the way today, as the plants go into week 2 of flower for the remaining stretch-out.
- I don't expect too much more stretching, as the tops are really starting to bunch-up already. Bud sites starting to form now.
- Have been using Tigerbloom and GH Flora Micro for these first two weeks of flower, sometimes supplementing that with a bit of Grotek's Cal-Mag, as my base RO water has low calcium.
- Occasionally add H2O2 to add-back water, to keep roots healthy.
- Recording all pH and EC levels of each plant since first day of flower, as well as the add back water. Works well to follow how much the plants are eating and drinking day-to-day as flowering begins.
- Tent temps still staying nicely in the 71-74 deg C range, humidity now up over 40 with the tent closed, but it drops to around 35 during watering time when I have it wide open.
- Large bottom branch on the BMD broke off last night - noticed a bunch of wilted leaves and found that the branch broke off right at the trunk...it was low bottom-branch though, so not a big loss - and now I have much easier access to the bottom of the plant for watering. The branch was in the lower-right, front of the plant - broke off from moving it up and down each watering time...lol
- Moving the small mounted fan left and right each day to share the air-circulation across the plant tops.
- Fresh air circulation in the tent seems to be dialed in perfectly with the current fan setup.