

Active Member
I would say 1 gallon, and if your using full organic ph shouldn't be a problem if your not ur gonna have to invest In a ph pen


Well-Known Member
1/2 gal - 1 gal - and you don't need an expensive pen - you can get a liquid test kit for less than 10 bucks


New Member
Wow thanx for the advice I have been only using 20 oz water bottles on each plant once a day and there huge but Im going to up since they just showed sex


Active Member
How about in the ground guys? I dug holes roughly 2x2x2 and filled em up with good soil, lately ive been giving them a few gallons every other night, should I give em a gallon every night instead? maybe 2 gallons? I want my lays huge


New Member
There all bag seeds I thought they would all be the same strain some of them are completely different but there from the same weed how does this happen lol


New Member
And bullshit miracle grow with ozmotctoe or some shit and there big and bushy just shows that weed is a tough ass plant


Well-Known Member
I've got a few plants in 2x3 holes and since this is my first outdoor grow I'm experimenting. I've been giving some of them 2 gal. every other day except when the temps were 100+ then they needed 2 gal a day. Some plants I've been giving 3+gal every other day. I haven't noticed much of a difference yet. I think the amount of water you give plants in the ground depends on what type of soil you dug into, is it sandy- if so it drains faster, is it clay- if so it doesn't drain as fast. I have found out that my plants seem to like to be fairly well drenched each watering. I know people that use 5gal per plant and produce "monsters". I'm definitely a rookie but so far from what I've learned you need to know how to read your plants needs- if that makes any since. One other thing that you must consider is the size of your plants- of course the bigger they are the more water they will need. Hopefully someone with more experience than myself will post a more informed answer for you.


Well-Known Member
If they are in ground it's tough to over water. However I would refrain from watering every day. My in ground plants are in a 3 foot circle 2+ feet deep. I water every 3 days and give them a good soak, they do need to dry out a bit between watering though! I don't want any chance of root rot.
My plants above ground are in 100 gallon DYI ( Mainia) smart pots. It's been 85-95 for the past few weeks and I water them every 2-3 days as well.


Well-Known Member
I've been told the same thing it's almost impossible to overwater in ground plants. I guess it depends on what type of soil you are growing in.


New Member
I am by no means an experienced grower - but I would advise picking up a water meter. You can get them for less than $10 at most garden stores (or you can spend a whole lot more, if you want something fancier). I check every plant, every day. Probably a bit excessive - but I'm fairly new to the game, too. I have several different strains, in several different size pots (ranging from 5 to 100 gal.), and watering was pretty much a guessing game for a while. The meter really helped me get a handle on how much water each plant needs, and how often. Good luck!


Well-Known Member
A water meter might be my next purchase- spent so much $$ on security budget is getting tight. I'll see how this grow goes unless I feel like I'm having water issues. So far I think I've got it under control but I'm sure a meter would be a big help. Thanks for that.


Well-Known Member
Use the finger test, stick your finger into the soil up to about the 2nd knuckle and pull it out, if it's dry water your plants.


Well-Known Member
overwatering is the number one reason plants get ill or fail. the soil needs to be almost completely dry between feedings,if not the roots cant breathe and you can grow mold , fungi, even algae. when the pots are really light and the leaves start to sag (but not crispy) you can then feed them a nice heavy watering and in 6-10 hours they will wake up and really start eating some nutes . in veg my plants grow a good amount with each feeding . in 1-3 gallon pots you need right around 1/2 gallon ans 3-7 needs aboutr a gallon . your plants really come to life after a feeding when they were just dry.i have some pics in my current thread on the recent posts showing how dry my plants get right before watering. since its fun to play in the garden buy a FINE mist sprayer that way you can spritz all day and the plants are not soaking all the time..you have come to the right place for tips and info , hit me up if I can help with anything else .I have a few grow journals from start to finish . I grow on a low budget and I produce more than I need with my setup !! keep updating us with all the pics and info you can post!