Water Use In California.....


Well-Known Member
I'm way better off than most. I live in the Sierra Foothills with an artesian well. The artesian stopped running last fall, but I have a pump down 180 feet and a 2500 gallon storage tank, so plenty of water. The artesian is running again, but just barley. I will do my part to conserve water, our state is in trouble . Trees are dying everywhere around here, get ready for fire season.
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Well-Known Member
Oh yea, and here if it has fish in it you cant use it anyways so give us some of that carp water back there.:mrgreen:



Well-Known Member
It's what happens when a state becomes so densely populated coupled with a drought. California should consider some kind of incentives to get people to 're-locate.


Well-Known Member
They are. They keep coming up with no grow ordinances lol.
Thank God my new partner here just came from Florida and he has been drilling wells for 28 years!! My water woes are over!! Any body start having well problems this year, hit me up, he needs some service work. Well, he doesn;t NEED it , but wouldn't mind doing some. He's been thinking about firing up the business here, but he's 55 and is kinda over it all. Plus it would take a bunch of cash to get started here, that would take a minimum of 7-8 years to start really turning profits, and he doesn't really want to do that.
Just wait a few more years....they'll be puttting smart meters on your personal wells.


Well-Known Member
Make the residents of socal pay for de-salting water. If people choose to live in a desert, they should pay for their water, not take it all from those that live up north....where the water is!....LA is the reason for California's drought.......and the reason there will always be a drought
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Well-Known Member
Make the residents of socal pay for de-salting water. If people choose to live in a desert, they should pay for their water, not take it all from those that live up north....where the water is!....LA is the reason for California's drought.......and the reason there will always be a drought
Thats hog wash jj. Agriculture uses like 60 percent of all the water. Why not a tariff on any agriculture product that leaves California to create desalination plants for the farms. They are the ones sucking us dry and shipping everything out of state and to no benefit to the ppl. How about dole and farm fresh and the huge vineyards and cattlemen take responsibility. I'm on a well btw. I have no interest in your nor cal water:lol:


Well-Known Member
Thats hog wash jj. Agriculture uses like 60 percent of all the water. Why not a tariff on any agriculture product that leaves California to create desalination plants for the farms. They are the ones sucking us dry and shipping everything out of state and to no benefit to the ppl. How about dole and farm fresh and the huge vineyards and cattlemen take responsibility.
That too but we all have to eat....it's just been a dry couple of years, we are due for a few wet ones


I thought I should add that I have a well too. I will (read, might) be cutting down my water usage somewhat, but I worry about enforcement. I don't really get how Cali has the cash to enforce this. Are any of you all worried about the enforcement aspect?


Well-Known Member
I thought I should add that I have a well too. I will (read, might) be cutting down my water usage somewhat, but I worry about enforcement. I don't really get how Cali has the cash to enforce this. Are any of you all worried about the enforcement aspect?
it's called 'fines' for violators.....


Well-Known Member
I thought I should add that I have a well too. I will (read, might) be cutting down my water usage somewhat, but I worry about enforcement. I don't really get how Cali has the cash to enforce this. Are any of you all worried about the enforcement aspect?
I read that laws for private wells don't take place for another 5 years. Also if your property is zoned agricultural (mine is) that gives you more riggle room.


Well-Known Member
I expect to have a meter placed on my well and have to pay the City and/or County to provide nothing. It will be a free source of revenue for government. I've drastically reduced my piped water since before the drought began because of my budget. I'm the typical retiree on a fixed income and I must adjust every year. It makes it difficult to buy seed.


Well-Known Member
It's what happens when a state becomes so densely populated coupled with a drought. California should consider some kind of incentives to get people to 're-locate.
How about we just don't open out boarders and welcome anyone who wants to come on in... We are on the Mexican boarder ...


Well-Known Member
Great. blame it on So cal cause it don't rain anymore. you should blame it on cow farts and global warming for that matter .:mrgreen:

A state doesn't give incentives to move out. Other states offer incentives to move in . Vegas has plenty of water. LOL. All though California offers many incentives to move out like small business owners and contractors getting butt raped by the government and workers comp insurances.


Well-Known Member
The El nino is strong . Im surprised we missed it this year. The fish never left so that's a sign it is still strong. Maybe next winter ? Every El nino year we have caught up.


Well-Known Member
if it's yellow let it mellow, if it's brown,flush it down.

I got my straw in the Sac river, you just can't see it :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Well since it takes up to 8 gallons to make 1 gallon of beer. I quit!

I wonder if Budweiser will still be pushing it this summer.
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