Water Question?


Active Member
I read the same thing, I've been trying to leave the water sitting but my stoner self always forgets. I remember when I bought my setup the guy at the grow shop was freaking out about the amount of chlorine and "smart people chemicals" that was in the water and that I HAD to buy a reverse osmosis filter or something like that. Idk If you start "strictly" letting the water sit and see any clear benefits let me know. hahaha idk what im saying im real medicated right now haha


New Member
I have never left any of my RO or Nutrient solutions sit... never an issue. I would assume if you are using a very high chlorine water then maybe, but myself or anyone I have EVER talked to that has a brain never seen an issue just using it.


Well-Known Member
that helps IF your water supply is treated with old school Chlorine... today a lot of "city water" is treated with Chloramine which doesn't break down by exposure to oxygen (setting a bucket out overnight) like Chlorine does.

Try a bucket of water without the lid on it overnight and one with the lid over night, after the water has sat for a day exposed, cover it with a lid for several hours then take the lid off and smell the water, if there is a strong chlorine odor even after sitting out a day exposed you may have Chloramine, if it's Chlorine the odor will fade.

To be honest, I rarely set my water overnight, my water has Chloramine so I can't remove it and my plants have never had any problems, especially root problems and sometimes my res. temps are round 80 degrees F. I just don't think it's a big deal..
I appreciate your input good sir. I will definitely give that test a go. I'll get back at ya and let you know how it went. Thanks again!


Well-Known Member
you never mentioned if you had city water or well water. if it is indeed city water it prolly has chlorine or chlormine in it. chlorine is worse than chloromine, but easier to get rid of. airstone in the water for a few hours.
I have city water. I will be setting everything up tonight and testing it all. Thanks for stopping by, stay medicated!

you never mentioned if you had city water or well water. if it is indeed city water it prolly has chlorine or chlormine in it. chlorine is worse than chloromine, but easier to get rid of. airstone in the water for a few hours.


Well-Known Member
...it only matters if you grow organically as the chlorine kills the micro-herd, if you are feeding with a chemical nutrient line it won't matter if there is chlorine in the water or not.

...MANY hydro growers actually add bleach to their res to make it a 'dead' res thinking it's better to have no micro-life down there then to take the chance of BAD micro-life.

...so if you aren't growing organically there is no need to let your water sit over night, ...i personally feed Jack's Pro with tap water straight from the faucet with no issues.

peace, bozo
Look up your cities water information online. It is almost always available. I use city water, and have used those conditioners in the past. Something like 1/2 tablespoon treats 40 gallons. Recently I quit using it, and never let my water sit over night. I run DWC, and have not had any problems. I could definitely see an issue with organics, or beneficials. I used to use the Heisenberg Tea, when running well water, but have no need for it with city water. Best of luck to you.


Active Member
Hey bud I to use anti chlorine solutions mines five drops per gallon then I add the nutes and then bubble it for no less than an hour. What it does I don't know never had a problem tho