water ph for outdoor grow


is setting the ph necessary for watering outdoor plants grown in foxfarm soil? when using just tap water and gen hydro's kool bloom, and botanicares sweet citrus.

if so where should it be set? 5.5-6.0?

beginning to flower.


Well-Known Member
If you want to grow your weed to it's full capability, then yes, pH your water.
Add your nutes first, then adjust your water. NEVER adjust water first then add your nutes. The nutes will change the waters pH level. I use Lenon Juice concentrate to adjust my pH down. ( my pH runs about 7.7 out of the well, i never need to adjust up) Be sure to use UNCHLORINATED water when watering your girls. I run my pH around 6.2-6.5 when watering.

Hope this helps


thanks treeman! im doing it right then. just need to raise my ph a bit maybe, i was setting it at 5.5 - 6.0 i have ph up and down though so im good. thanks again.