Water From The Top, Or Let The Plant Suck It Up From The Tray?


Active Member
Since when does the grower Water his own hydro plants? But yes, in Hydro you water/fill your reservoir from the top, that is correct.. than depending on which system of hydro ^_^ it does the rest, no need to water the plant yourself. :D I made a funny.
Lol, you got me there. But I never watered through the pots, I lift the lid and fill the res., so therefore I am feeding from below. :)


Well-Known Member
Woah dudes what crawled up your asses? My advice was good and sound. Clearly you don't know how to take constructive advice so I'll leave you immature cats to yourself. I never attacked either of you. If dude won't even take his plants out to water them, the. He is cutting corners. Sorry you got so pissy you attacked me. Lol good luck with your grows smart guys.
I guess I get annoyed when people answer questions that they don't have any experience with. Your response also didn't follow any REAL logic, just the bullshit you wanted to claim. You've been growing for 6 months, you don't know what the hell you are talking about and you are claiming that not wanting to pull plants out to access them is somehow lazy. When you have big ass plants, it can be be a huge chore and it can risk breaking limbs to take out pots to water.

This whole watering from the top forces fresh air into the rootzone nonsense is all bullshit too. Watering from the bottom is perfectly fine, and accomplishes the same goals. Yes, you can get additional salt depositis if you are feeding frequently or letting the pots to sit and bottom feed too long.

they should only have access to water until the top of the pot is moist. YES, the top of the pot will be moist for all the numb nuts who have never done it, claim to know everything and make lame ass remarks like water won't wick the moisture but a short distance up. It's comments like that that indicate to me, ding ding, this dumb nuts has NEVER tried it. For those that are now on the same page and understand, water WILL move to the top of the pot through capilary action, when that water dries it does what now? Draws in what? Fresh air. You could even make the ever stupid argument that as the water moves up from the bottom it forces air out of the top, but this whole "forcing air" through the pot thing does seem like nonsense so why bother, right?

I restate my position on this. Yes you can water from the bottom. It is important to note that after the pots have absorbed water (about an hour) they tray should be emptied and the plants should be allowed to drain freely again. Should you still flush the plants out from time to time through the top? Sure if you have a fear of buildups and need to leach the soil, but for general feeding, it does work just fine. It works fine for houseplants, it works fine for pot plants.


Active Member
I guess I get annoyed when people answer questions that they don't have any experience with. Your response also didn't follow any REAL logic, just the bullshit you wanted to claim. You've been growing for 6 months, you don't know what the hell you are talking about and you are claiming that not wanting to pull plants out to access them is somehow lazy. When you have big ass plants, it can be be a huge chore and it can risk breaking limbs to take out pots to water.

This whole watering from the top forces fresh air into the rootzone nonsense is all bullshit too. Watering from the bottom is perfectly fine, and accomplishes the same goals. Yes, you can get additional salt depositis if you are feeding frequently or letting the pots to sit and bottom feed too long.

they should only have access to water until the top of the pot is moist. YES, the top of the pot will be moist for all the numb nuts who have never done it, claim to know everything and make lame ass remarks like water won't wick the moisture but a short distance up. It's comments like that that indicate to me, ding ding, this dumb nuts has NEVER tried it. For those that are now on the same page and understand, water WILL move to the top of the pot through capilary action, when that water dries it does what now? Draws in what? Fresh air. You could even make the ever stupid argument that as the water moves up from the bottom it forces air out of the top, but this whole "forcing air" through the pot thing does seem like nonsense so why bother, right?

I restate my position on this. Yes you can water from the bottom. It is important to note that after the pots have absorbed water (about an hour) they tray should be emptied and the plants should be allowed to drain freely again. Should you still flush the plants out from time to time through the top? Sure if you have a fear of buildups and need to leach the soil, but for general feeding, it does work just fine. It works fine for houseplants, it works fine for pot plants.
Amen brother! EVERYTHING you said backs up the experience I have had, so I KNOW you have done it. I have actually tweaked and experimented, and I know just how much my plants are going to take up. So I add that amount, and by the time the top is moist, the tray is empty. :)
Thanks for all your real life experience, your help is exactly the answer I was looking for.


Well-Known Member
lol this thread is too funny.

if its easier for you to water from the bottom then fucking do it and stop looking for an argument on here. obviously watering from the top has its benifits with the salt buildups and is the ideal and more prefered way of most growers. but if watering from the bottom works for you then just do it and shut the fuck up.

for some reason i cant help but think this entire thread is not about seeking advice but more about flamming a controversial topic and the people who stand by thier methods, no one ever said that watering from the bottom was WRONG just not IDEAL


Active Member
lol this thread is too funny.

if its easier for you to water from the bottom then fucking do it and stop looking for an argument on here. obviously watering from the top has its benifits with the salt buildups and is the ideal and more prefered way of most growers. but if watering from the bottom works for you then just do it and shut the fuck up.

for some reason i cant help but think this entire thread is not about seeking advice but more about flamming a controversial topic and the people who stand by thier methods, no one ever said that watering from the bottom was WRONG just not IDEAL
Come on man, I was looking for real answers from someone who had done it. I stated that from the first post. I'm not looking for a fight, people have come on here and flamed me, so I responded likewise. If you read all my responses, I am only rude to the people who were rude to me first.


Well-Known Member
I guess I get annoyed when people answer questions that they don't have any experience with. Your response also didn't follow any REAL logic, just the bullshit you wanted to claim. You've been growing for 6 months, you don't know what the hell you are talking about and you are claiming that not wanting to pull plants out to access them is somehow lazy. When you have big ass plants, it can be be a huge chore and it can risk breaking limbs to take out pots to water.

This whole watering from the top forces fresh air into the rootzone nonsense is all bullshit too. Watering from the bottom is perfectly fine, and accomplishes the same goals. Yes, you can get additional salt depositis if you are feeding frequently or letting the pots to sit and bottom feed too long.

they should only have access to water until the top of the pot is moist. YES, the top of the pot will be moist for all the numb nuts who have never done it, claim to know everything and make lame ass remarks like water won't wick the moisture but a short distance up. It's comments like that that indicate to me, ding ding, this dumb nuts has NEVER tried it. For those that are now on the same page and understand, water WILL move to the top of the pot through capilary action, when that water dries it does what now? Draws in what? Fresh air. You could even make the ever stupid argument that as the water moves up from the bottom it forces air out of the top, but this whole "forcing air" through the pot thing does seem like nonsense so why bother, right?

I restate my position on this. Yes you can water from the bottom. It is important to note that after the pots have absorbed water (about an hour) they tray should be emptied and the plants should be allowed to drain freely again. Should you still flush the plants out from time to time through the top? Sure if you have a fear of buildups and need to leach the soil, but for general feeding, it does work just fine. It works fine for houseplants, it works fine for pot plants.

Remember this is about simplicity. :)
&& if using a 5gal home made airpots.. Waiting for the water to absorb and reach the top = To long for my plants to be sitting in water. Especially a 5gal+ bucket.. what do you do to water them from the bottom..keep refiling the tray every 5mins when it has soaked up? Not simplicity.

But then again.. what is. I can water to drain without needing trays.. Stagnant water is not my friend & invites more pests.


Well-Known Member
Come on man, I was looking for real answers from someone who had done it. I stated that from the first post. I'm not looking for a fight, people have come on here and flamed me, so I responded likewise. If you read all my responses, I am only rude to the people who were rude to me first.
you got your answer


Well-Known Member
i get what you're trying to do. just make sure all the medium gets wet and then has time to dry out. you need a hose with a wand extension to really get to all the plants. but you didn't plan for that and now you're stuck. i'm interested to see if it works though.


Active Member
i get what you're trying to do. just make sure all the medium gets wet and then has time to dry out. you need a hose with a wand extension to really get to all the plants. but you didn't plan for that and now you're stuck. i'm interested to see if it works though.
Thanks man, finally someone other than a couple of people that get it! I don't really have an option for running a hose into my tent, it's in my house lol, but I get what you are saying. I hadn't mentioned this, but I am working on getting a drip system set up so that I can automate everything, but for now as you said, I am stuck lol.


Active Member
Remember this is about simplicity. :)
&& if using a 5gal home made airpots.. Waiting for the water to absorb and reach the top = To long for my plants to be sitting in water. Especially a 5gal+ bucket.. what do you do to water them from the bottom..keep refiling the tray every 5mins when it has soaked up? Not simplicity.

But then again.. what is. I can water to drain without needing trays.. Stagnant water is not my friend & invites more pests.
Yeah, you're right, in your situation, it probably wouldn't be a good idea. But I am in smaller pots, so within 30 min usually, I see the top getting moist and the tray dry.


Well-Known Member
Remember this is about simplicity. :)
&& if using a 5gal home made airpots.. Waiting for the water to absorb and reach the top = To long for my plants to be sitting in water. Especially a 5gal+ bucket.. what do you do to water them from the bottom..keep refiling the tray every 5mins when it has soaked up? Not simplicity.

But then again.. what is. I can water to drain without needing trays.. Stagnant water is not my friend & invites more pests.
But then if you read the whole thread or the entire inital post it stated that for him it is EASIER to water from the bottom. If it's more difficult to water from the bottom in your situation why would be discussing it?

The question is that if it's easier to do from the bottom is does it work and he wanted responses from EXPERIENCED people who have tried it. I think that most can agree (although there may be some who don't) that watering from the top is preferred, but if it's difficult it can be done from the bottom. If you're in 5 gallon pots and it takes hours for the water to get to the top, then in your situation it's more difficult to water from the bottom and it wouldn't be considered a viable option.

I agree it's all about simplicity, it doesn't mean that was is simple for you is simple for everyone or vice versa.

LT1RX7 Drifter

Active Member
Why, because you got owned? It's a great thread, and I hope it helps others gain knowledge on the subject in the future.
Please explain one thing before you tuck tail, how do you argue with real life experience?
Ok asshat hows 2 yrs of botony in college and 2 yr of horticulture in high school @ wsu for experience. I said i prefer to top water and why, thats it, and as for whom ever stated that water moving through the media dosnt act like a piston, go study fluid dynamics for a year. I have watered fom trays as well and it depends as to why i wont re-explain what others are posting already. Why would I tuck tail? I wasn't owned, FTR i too hope that other learn from this thread what made it fail was you argued your point i just stated my method and why in my op you argue your point with almost every person that posted here to some degree or another.


Active Member
in my op you argue your point with almost every person that posted here to some degree or another.
Only with asshats that want to act all condescending or start name calling like 5th grade. It's all good man, I got sufficient evidence to convince me watering from the bottom can work in certain situation, and not others.
And for the record, I never said watering doesn't act like a piston, because it sort of does. A piston with worn rings, but yes as the water go's through, air is pushed out, it's physics, I get it. But does the water add very much O2 to the root zone, not really. Root zones mostly acquire their O2 as the soil drys.
Listen, really, I don't want to fight, sorry you see it that way. I'm done here, the thread is complete.
Thanks to anyone who contributed.


Well-Known Member
I guess I get annoyed when people answer questions that they don't have any experience with. Your response also didn't follow any REAL logic, just the bullshit you wanted to claim. You've been growing for 6 months, you don't know what the hell you are talking about and you are claiming that not wanting to pull plants out to access them is somehow lazy. When you have big ass plants, it can be be a huge chore and it can risk breaking limbs to take out pots to water.

This whole watering from the top forces fresh air into the rootzone nonsense is all bullshit too. Watering from the bottom is perfectly fine, and accomplishes the same goals. Yes, you can get additional salt depositis if you are feeding frequently or letting the pots to sit and bottom feed too long.

they should only have access to water until the top of the pot is moist. YES, the top of the pot will be moist for all the numb nuts who have never done it, claim to know everything and make lame ass remarks like water won't wick the moisture but a short distance up. It's comments like that that indicate to me, ding ding, this dumb nuts has NEVER tried it. For those that are now on the same page and understand, water WILL move to the top of the pot through capilary action, when that water dries it does what now? Draws in what? Fresh air. You could even make the ever stupid argument that as the water moves up from the bottom it forces air out of the top, but this whole "forcing air" through the pot thing does seem like nonsense so why bother, right?

I restate my position on this. Yes you can water from the bottom. It is important to note that after the pots have absorbed water (about an hour) they tray should be emptied and the plants should be allowed to drain freely again. Should you still flush the plants out from time to time through the top? Sure if you have a fear of buildups and need to leach the soil, but for general feeding, it does work just fine. It works fine for houseplants, it works fine for pot plants.
You your reaction is to call everyone an asshole that doesn't agree with you? Seriously guys?
P.s. I happen to know exactly what I'm talking about. But you can of course take it with a grain of salt. Continue the battle with...hating?


Well-Known Member
I don't have any degrees in ag or the sciences but have been farming and growing plants my entire life. Ok, that said I do water from the top and also from the bottom watering trays or buckets for the girls. As to whether which is better I couldn't say other than IMHO it is more about thoroughness over method. I water my girls when they are dry, slight wilt to the leaf dry and then soak in the mix of the week, whether it be solutions or plain water. I have found over the many cycles, only been growing girls in containers 5 years before only in the ground, that I have healthier roots this way have the ease of letting the soil get rid of dry spots which can happen from the top down.
If you are on that likes to water plants often then I would say again just my two cents, then I wouldn't advise this method. I say this as it can be easy to keep the soil too wet for healthy roots. Many ways to get to same end, just a matter of finding a method or combination of methods work best for you. In watering from the bottom I have found that about every 3rd or 4th watering I pour the solution into the bucket and then place the container in, allow to soak a few minutes and then pouring the solution which wasn't immediately soaked up over the top. I use a small cup and can easily flood the surface area before the bottom has drained. This flooding usually forces all the air pockets out of the soil.
Thanks for the thread it is a very enjoyable read.