Water Filter Suggestions?

Zippo Guy

If you're in the UK, there is a place called watercoolerhq, I'm not sure if i can paste in links so give that a google...
Stay away from britta filter type shite... it's no good for what we need (I assume you have hard water).

Check out their RO machines, there is like a mini 'portable' type one that you can just attatch to an outdoor tap (like a garden hose) with the included bits, and then you can just put it away when you're done.
Bargain aswell, under £40 incl. postage.


Zippo Guy

I can't remember the exact numbers and technical terms lol, but britta filters only remove relatively 'large' dissolved solids with a small 1 stage filter which the water just drips through.
RO Filters use the mains pressure to pump water through 3 stages (some better models have 4) of filtration, the last of which is a carbon membrane, removing most if not all impurities.

My compact 3 stage one usually gets me under 60 ultra siemens, which is just fine... (EC: 0.06)
You will need something to supplement the lack of calcium and magnesium if using RO water.

Hope that explains it well enough.



Active Member
lol what a load of horseshit.. brita filtered is fine, just costly..
RO filters remove nearly everything, way more than brita filter does and have a wastage of about 30% usually

I personally used brita water throughout multiple grows without any issues at all

Been looking at this unit


1 filter can run approx 10 000 litres, and they are cheap

TYPICAL PERFORMANCE - What your filter removes
THM's (trihalomethanes) ECB's, OCB's, TME's
90% to 99%
90% to 99%
90% to 99%
Industrial Solvents (halogenated hydrocarbons) PCB's (polychlorinated biphenyls) PAH's (polycyclic hydrocarbons)
90% to 99%
95% plus
Rust Particles, Silt, Algae
Benzene, Petroleum Solvents, Oil Residues,

For garden hoses believe you can get a similar inline system, seen them around but never used them myself.

Toolage 87

Well-Known Member
If you are really worried about the water your using there is a thing called Zero Water. It has 5 filtering stages. But this strips the water down to 000 TDS

Zippo Guy

No horseshit here mate... just facts: Britta filters don't remove a lot of the trace elements, mostly the chlorine.
It's common knowledge that if you want full control, and extremely clean water you will need an RO machine.

If you don't have particularly hard water, and are happy buying new filter cartridges every now and then, of course you could do just fine...
just like the people who grow with just tap water and miraclegro, or those who have never checked their PPM or PH.

That undersink unit looks pretty nice, but save yourself some cash and check this out:

Happy growing :cool:


If your on Public Water I would go with a "Reverse Osmosis" setup, The setup can go under your kitchen sink. It takes out a lot of crap, you need to read more about it.

If your on well water a simple filter should do the trick of you have sediment in your water. If your water is good, leave it alone.

Toolage 87

Well-Known Member
I needed to replace the filters in my old RO unit. Turns out filters cost almost as much as this new unit. Bought this off ebay, ships free. I like how fast it is. My old one only made 10 gal a day.. Half a day and I have enough water for 2 weeks with this new one.... http://www.ebay.com/itm/0PPM-Portable-100GPD-Reverse-Osmosis-RO-DI-Filtration-/380341933047?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item588e2553f7
Nice find but sadly the Zero Water cost half that for 1 unit and has about a 10L container for it and it also comes with a PPM pen that you can get new batteries for. The filters cost $25 each for the replacement.


Well-Known Member
Water is not a static commodity. Check with your local water department to see what they say about your waters content and source. You can even request a report, this may cost in your municipality.

RO water can also be so pure it doesn't conduct electricity.

You can grow just fine with a brita or pur filter, just buy the better ones and not the cheapest. Why not set up a rainbarrel for $50?