Water Curing Flavoring?


Active Member
So i was reading a recent thread about water curing, from the description i picture ugly bud with not much appeal so then i thought wat culd make it better then i thought flavor! i wuld follow all the same step but for the final soak i use wat with like lemon peels , orange peels or apple that have sat in distilled water for a day at room temp. the peels of course would be as clean and pulp free....... does this sound reasonable?


Active Member
i had water cured buds before and they had like earth i wuld say like pure. so i wanna at least try because worst thing that could happen is losing a little bud
I think you'll be pretty disappointed with your results if you take the lemon rind route. While you might get some level of flavor, it wont be very effective. If you are determined to get some flavor into your buds then I would recommend lemon oil, orange oil, lime oil. You can get them online at http://www.frontiercoop.com . Its a bit pricey, but a very little goes a long way. About three milliliters of orange oil goes into fifteen liters of homemade Cola. So its super concentrated. Just an idea.


Well-Known Member
Id say if you wanted to try flavoring, which i personally dont think you would get much of a result by using just the peels..you could scrap the shit out of alot of oranges/lemons and get some oil that way..but i think if i was going to try this..id go and buy some lemon extract or something like that in the bakery section of your grocery store..add a few drops during your last day or two of water curing id think