Watching the tv show DEA on spiketv now.


Active Member
Yeah that would suck. That was pure $$$ though. I found most guys on this site grow for a hobby, and to save a little $ for extra curicular activities. It was pretty sad watching all those cute little girls being torn from their pots =(


Well-Known Member
i swear i wanted to punch that smug stupid cop in that mouth talkin about how he saved this country today or something.


Well-Known Member
it always cracks me the fuck up when they say its the most elaborate/sophisticated grow house they've seen in 16 years of work

oh word? damn must be working under a rock or something.....

i can log on the internet and see more advanced setups


Well-Known Member
i swear i wanted to punch that smug stupid cop in that mouth talkin about how he saved this country today or something.
fucking faggot bragging talking about some yea...i can go home and tell the wife and kids about it.

wtf? your family enjoys listening to you fuck peoples life up?

sick individuals


Well-Known Member
if i was that guy ida had 40 more dogs. then when they say okay u have take off ur cuffs and let you in that house alone to put ur dogs in the cage.
id be like okay dick then open the doors and yell "ATTACK!!!!"


Well-Known Member
I saw it in the tv listing last night and couldn't bring myself to watch my friends fall into the hands of those uneducated assholes.


Well-Known Member
i watched this one too. i liked when they were walking up the one guy goes "geez i can smell it from the driveway." CARBON FILTER MUCH?


Active Member
Fuck the police.

Most of them don't make much a big deal about weed unless you're a huge dealer, it's a super slow day, or some bitch ass bureaucrat decides it's time to crack a few more skulls.