Washington,Colorado,Oregon.. polling thread


I thought i would make a thread where we could post and analyze all the polls for this historic election. Here is what i have come across. Please make any additions,and discuss your analysis of these and upcoming polls.

Washington polls......
Date of Poll
In favor
Number polled
July 2011
The Elway Research
January 2012
The Elway Research

Public Policy Polling of 1,073 adults June 14-17
50% yes..37% no..13% undecided

SurveyUSA July 23
Yes …………. 55%
No…………… 32%
Not Sure …. 13%

SurveyUSA Sept 12
57% yes...34%no...9% undecided

Colorado polls.............
June Rasmussen poll
61% yes......27%no....12% undecided

Public Policy Polling June
For ……………………..46%
Against ……………….. 42%
Not sure ……………… 12%

Public Policy Polling Aug 9
47%yes...38%no....15% undecided

Public Policy Polling Sep 5
47%yes...38%no....15% undecided

Oregon polls................

Public Policy Polling July
43% yes......46% no.....11% undecided

Please make additions or corrections. Nov 6 2012, The beginning of the end of prohibition :weed:


Well-Known Member
why do people think that the feds will just sit by and let stores open up that sell marijuana to eveyone and anyone over 21??

State Legal mmj stores are still being shut down by the feds and these are state legal...some have been open for years

But this is what it wll take....some people will have to go to court and jail to help the cause and change the laws

I like it when people are saying that the price of weed will fall to $50 a oz..hahahah..

The feds do NOT allow for any tax benifits for a scheudule 1 drug... rent bills supplies employess ..non of it is allowed as a right off...if you make $100,000 you owe federal taxes (about 25%) on that amount no tax deductions are allowed. then you have to pay your states income tax and b&i... plus your operating expenses

alot of change will have to happen before weed is totally legalized....they are just trying to regulate it within theses states now


Well-Known Member
I know it has strong support in all of those states washington and colorado for sure. If it is legalized then yah there is going to be a federal vs state showdown hopefully you have a congress and president that is sympathetic to the voters/people and not to the central govt.

But itll happen just a matter of how long and how ugly it will get. And i dont know when everyone is growing in their backyard and closet and walmart is growing hectacres of weed..... just might be $50 an Oz before they tax it of course :P. But they cant tax it too much or people will grow/buy from the greymarket. (lol not really black at that point)


Well-Known Member
If Obama gets re-elected and it's made legal in let's say 2 out of 3 states. I could see it going in favor of legalization. Can't say the same about mittens.


Well-Known Member
If it happens I can see a bunch of people moving into my state and clogging up the fucking roads.


I was recently reading the measure 502 initiative for the washington state ballot, and this does not seem like a very cannabis user friendly bill. For starters, washington state citizens will have to apply for a recreational license to use it, which costs 250 to apply for and 1000 to actually receive. In addition it sets a DUI limit with no scientific backing, and for persons under 21 with any THC in their blood will get a DUI. And the list goes on, I am for legalization of marijuana, but I do not support this bill. Check out this link for more details on the measure: http://votesmart.org/elections/ballot-measure/1743/concerning-the-legalization-of-marijuana#.UIyqfoYnIpQ


Well-Known Member
I was recently reading the measure 502 initiative for the washington state ballot, and this does not seem like a very cannabis user friendly bill. For starters, washington state citizens will have to apply for a recreational license to use it, which costs 250 to apply for and 1000 to actually receive. In addition it sets a DUI limit with no scientific backing, and for persons under 21 with any THC in their blood will get a DUI. And the list goes on, I am for legalization of marijuana, but I do not support this bill. Check out this link for more details on the measure: http://votesmart.org/elections/ballot-measure/1743/concerning-the-legalization-of-marijuana#.UIyqfoYnIpQ
Read your link a couple of times.Didn't see anything about a lisc. fee for rec. users.Could you point out where that info. is?


Well-Known Member
why do people think that the feds will just sit by and let stores open up that sell marijuana to eveyone and anyone over 21??

State Legal mmj stores are still being shut down by the feds and these are state legal...some have been open for years

But this is what it wll take....some people will have to go to court and jail to help the cause and change the laws

I like it when people are saying that the price of weed will fall to $50 a oz..hahahah..

The feds do NOT allow for any tax benifits for a scheudule 1 drug... rent bills supplies employess ..non of it is allowed as a right off...if you make $100,000 you owe federal taxes (about 25%) on that amount no tax deductions are allowed. then you have to pay your states income tax and b&i... plus your operating expenses

alot of change will have to happen before weed is totally legalized....they are just trying to regulate it within theses states now
and how much change will happen if people keep shooting these amendments down? change for the worse will happen, take california as an example .


After second reading, it does appear that the licensing does apply to retailers, producers, and processors. Here is a link to the actual bill: http://sos.wa.gov/_assets/elections/initiatives/i502.pdf. It's 65 pages long and was trying to find something about recreational licenses but couldn't. I think somebody told me that who was confused themselves. Though, I still do not support this bill even solely for the DUI laws it enacts. Anyone with a THC content higher than 5.00 nano grams in their blood will get a DUI, and I haven't found any scientific proof to back this up as a legitimate DUI standard. Additionally, those under 21 with any THC in their blood will get a DUI, which I think would have quite a negative impact on the youth of the state.
Overall, I think marijuana will be legal eventually, and I think holding off for a more well written bill will be worth it. Otherwise, I guess it's up to Washingtonians if they want to vote this bill in, I personally don't support it, but do support legalization of marijuana under the right circumstances.


Well-Known Member
after second reading, it does appear that the licensing does apply to retailers, producers, and processors. Here is a link to the actual bill: http://sos.wa.gov/_assets/elections/initiatives/i502.pdf. It's 65 pages long and was trying to find something about recreational licenses but couldn't. I think somebody told me that who was confused themselves. Though, i still do not support this bill even solely for the dui laws it enacts. Anyone with a thc content higher than 5.00 nano grams in their blood will get a dui, and i haven't found any scientific proof to back this up as a legitimate dui standard. Additionally, those under 21 with any thc in their blood will get a dui, which i think would have quite a negative impact on the youth of the state.
Overall, i think marijuana will be legal eventually, and i think holding off for a more well written bill will be worth it. Otherwise, i guess it's up to washingtonians if they want to vote this bill in, i personally don't support it, but do support legalization of marijuana under the right circumstances.
laws can be changed in many ways,initiative, legislative action, appeals courts,and can be pushed towards change by a few other methods:jury nullification,every one asking for a jury trial,voting people out,etc.you shouldn't let the perfect be the enemy of the acceptable,the bad parts of the amendment will be corrected imo.the important thing is to break the jar regarding prohabition.


This is true, but the medical system in place now somewhat does that. It's not hard to get a medical recommendation, and it's regulations seem pretty fair. IMO the system now is pretty good, I just think marijuana should be decriminalized more or legalized under circumstances that outweigh the positives of the medical system now.


Well-Known Member
Expect a Constitutional showdown kids. My father used to have an expression for times like these,"it's all over but the shouting." Look at history, it is repeating itself faster and faster. So yes one state, at least, will legalize and then after some posturing for about two years the Federal government will capitulate. By the 2014 midterms at least 10 more states will have similar ballot measures and then it will just be over. That's what happened with Alcohol prohibition and it will happen more or less the same way with pot.
One of the reasons that the feds are able to afford to bust dispensaries is because they most often have assistance from the locals, when they cannot get local help they will go broke and then go away.
And for those who think the price of weed will drop, your out of your minds, I personally can not accept any less than I am now for my product and I doubt anyone else will be able to as well. If you want to buy weed you'll have to pay what the growers are asking, or grow it your self and most people don't know how and don't have the time or the desire.

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
Was hoping mbaco4009 would chime in. Would like to see if someone willing to forgo a strategic victory for a minor tactical victory is dishonest,dumb,or both.

[HR][/HR] i502 is not a legalization bill, it is a you can have a OZ only from us and we tax it 700% and make it so anyone who smokes is guilty of DUI, anyone who shares there smoke is guilty of a felony you got 29 grams felony

are ciggaretes limited . .. . is alcohol limited . . . is OMEGA3 oils limited . . . nope, this is a wolf in sheeps clothing bill

im sorry but i cannot support I502, and that sucks, a legalization bill of something illegal should be taking away my rights, smoking is victimless crime and DWI laws are already in place for driving while smoking impaired

if 502 pass's i can no longer drive . .ever...... as i do not want to sit in jail for DUI . . done that paid my dues

ya i voted no . . . .and it sucks,

a legalization bill id stand up for will not designed around state tax gain . .and more about decriminalization and some regulation would be great

or even better a bill that forgives people and time spent incarcerated for POT crimes

there is to much big pharma and large corporation in this bill for me to like it

and at growers per oz cost of 100 dollars thats 1600 a P works out to 762 dollar oz to consumer, and has 362 dollars in tax levied for the state in the process

also anyone smoking within 20-45 days is suspect for DUI, by blood analysis which does besides being an arbitrary amount limit shows zero deviation for tolerance

the exact law and bill regarding how this is all to go down hasnt even been written yet, its we will tell you how we are goign to go about this later kinda thing . . idk about you but politicians are not smokers and have no idea of what they are doing when it comes to MJ . .ie refer madness

smoke on . . .rant over


Well-Known Member
But this is what it wll take....some people will have to go to court and jail to help the cause and change the laws
Exactly, Isn't this a BITCH. Totally true, and totally fucked. Then later TLC will make shows about them like the old moonshiners.
I like it when people are saying that the price of weed will fall to $50 a oz..hahahah..
Yeah, wishful thinking. If anything, after taxes and everything else I think it will stay close to the same or go up.
The feds do NOT allow for any tax benifits for a scheudule 1 drug... rent bills supplies employess ..non of it is allowed as a right off...if you make $100,000 you owe federal taxes (about 25%) on that amount no tax deductions are allowed. then you have to pay your states income tax and b&i... plus your operating expenses
I think it will be Schedule II very soon, although the Fed is going to fight the shit tooth and nail anyways.
alot of change will have to happen before weed is totally legalized....they are just trying to regulate it within theses states now
Ten Charac


Well-Known Member
Expect a Constitutional showdown kids. My father used to have an expression for times like these,"it's all over but the shouting." Look at history, it is repeating itself faster and faster. So yes one state, at least, will legalize and then after some posturing for about two years the Federal government will capitulate. By the 2014 midterms at least 10 more states will have similar ballot measures and then it will just be over. That's what happened with Alcohol prohibition and it will happen more or less the same way with pot.
One of the reasons that the feds are able to afford to bust dispensaries is because they most often have assistance from the locals, when they cannot get local help they will go broke and then go away.
And for those who think the price of weed will drop, your out of your minds, I personally can not accept any less than I am now for my product and I doubt anyone else will be able to as well. If you want to buy weed you'll have to pay what the growers are asking, or grow it your self and most people don't know how and don't have the time or the desire.
You're wrong. The rich have investments in illegal "stuff". Not all the rich by any means but enough. They want it illegal to keep prices high and competition slim. They have every reason to fight legalization.


Well-Known Member
Add to the illegal profits the fact that most prisons opened to house medium and low security prisoners in the last 30 years are run by private for-profit corporations. Those who own these prisons will contribute and add their horror stories of drug craziness and its results. All the LEO agencies that make a living off fighting drugs and the companies that supply their tactical gear and training and ammo and . . . . seeing any patterns here? This is the way they like it. The rich can then condemn it while profiting from it both ways while they smoke their most excellent kush.


Well-Known Member
^You must mistake me for someone who really gives a shit. I don't care if its legal or not. I have been busted growing and done time for it twice in two different states. To answer your next question it was snitches. So the way I see it since no one at all knows shit about me now it would be some seriously outstanding police work to find me so I don't care if its legal or not if its legal it would make dificult for small, for profit, ops to survive. My weed is the dankest I see. I never see weed for sale that is better than mine and rarely do I see any as good so I figure if its legal I'll have something worth spending the extra money on, so either way I don't give a shit, legal or not.