Washed the dust out of a few bricks of coco. Any use for it?


Well-Known Member
It will go great in the garden or compost pile, compress to pellets for any fires, soak up small oil spills in the garage and provide a reptile or spider with a spongy absorbent layer in a terranium.

I've not know the dust to be made into insulating panels but there's another idea along with the classic mushroom growing as a substrate mix or casing layer.


Well-Known Member
That is perfect. I used to use some stuff, sorball if I can remember from dim memory in a job far, far away.
We use to use sawdust, it's not that great but takes up the excess oil, Coco dust should do the same and worth a try if you have regular spills.


Well-Known Member
We use to use sawdust, it's not that great but takes up the excess oil, Coco dust should do the same and worth a try if you have regular spills.
Not regular but in those 'oh oh' moments I hate using up a roll of paper towel. At least this expensive dust will go to good use. Coco does absorb a lot of water, hope it does oil also.