Wanting To Start My Own Seedbank??

Toolage 87

Well-Known Member
I can't believe people who think they can get a good seedbank up and running fast. I would never try to make a seedbank my self cuz of how much work it find out what all the laws is and such before getting the site up and running. Then spending a min of 1 year getting to know a single strain.


Well-Known Member
I can't believe people who think they can get a good seedbank up and running fast. I would never try to make a seedbank my self cuz of how much work it find out what all the laws is and such before getting the site up and running. Then spending a min of 1 year getting to know a single strain.

a year is not a lot.

Go look on MNS and other big breeders still finding things out about strains that have been around donkies years.

Personally would not open a seedbank without having worked quietly for a few years, slowly releasing testers of top shelf seeds that begin an elite like strain.
Then when it as a good status release a fully stable version

Brick Top

New Member
Guys I'm not a troll I'm a human bean
A "human bean?" You sound like some 50's or 60's 'B' horror film where some guy was working in his vegetable garden and exposed to an atomic blast and became a human being crossed with a bean that then went on a rampage terrorizing the countryside.

"A human bean!"

also I'm going start selling other people seeds first but call them cool names so people buy them more!!.

So you are going to ripoff other breeders? I guess you learned that one when taking a business ethics course. How will you do it? Buy large amounts of other breeders strains and then repackage them and rename them and then mark them up and not only be ripping off the original breeder's strains but mostly ripping off your customers by making them pay much more for the same product they could have bought elsewhere for much less?

Or will you be buying small numbers of seeds from different breeders and growing plants and making F2 versions of real breeders work and giving it a name you think sounds cool, but will just sound stupid to customers, and then be mostly ripping off other breeders but also ripping off your customers because if you will be renaming the strains, as if they are your creation, you certainly would not tell them that you are selling them F2s.

Half the money goes to breeder remember I think this works out for everybody.

It really only works for you. That is IF you can pull it off. Everyone else involved gets ripped off to some degree or another.

I hope you are just some 12 year old dreamer and not some Beavis or Butthead that's actually going to try to do what you said is your plan. It's crystal clear that you are trying to get into the seed business for the wrong reason, that being money, and it is equally clear that ethically you would make Arjan from Green House Seeds look like an honest upstanding straight shooter by comparison.

Consider how two of the most skilled, most talented, most successful, most respected real true breeders began. Both Shantibaba and Nevil went from nation to nation searching for special unique genetics. Shantibaba roamed Southeast Asia and South America and other regions. Nevil was doing the same basic thing in other parts of the world. They had to hire guides that were also interpreters, because neither of them spoke the languages of the nations they went to or knew where to go. They went places that were not then, and maybe never have been, totally friendly to Westerners. Sometimes the guides were armed because where they went was unsafe in various ways. Nevil was in Afghanistan when the Soviet Union invaded and had to run and sneak his way out of the country.

Those two were like a couple Indiana Jones', but searching for cannabis genetics rather than ancient artifacts.

Why did they spend the time and take the risks they took and went to the expense they went to? Because they have a deep love and respect for the plant and wanted to work with it and try to create new and better strains of it for people to enjoy and benefit from.

And you want to take the work of true breeders like that and misrepresent it by giving it a different name as if it is something you created and then so you can make a profit that is worth your time and risks you will have to increase the price dramatically, or making F2s of others work and either way by doing so rip off people you hope would become a loyal customer base that you could rely on for repeat business.

Can't you see how wrong that is?

Why don't you just start a new seedbank and purchase and resell others work the same way other seedbanks do? Buy in bulk, mark up each pack as much as you can while still remaining competitive so you can get business and be happy with that. Or save as much of the profits you make as you can and then go on a search for genetics that you can use to then add your own line of strains, after of course you learn enough to be more than a seedmaker and have earned the title breeder.

Again, I really hope you are some 12-year old kid with a fantasy because you, and others like you, are the very last thing that growers need.


Well-Known Member
hi thanks man like I said, no beans of my own but i know a seed that's just what you want, it will say "Couch Lock Haze" on the packing is that ok? Will send it stealth, will PM you, just PayPal me hundred bucks to [email protected], free delivery on this occasion to celembrate our first customer, like I said man thanks, pleasure doing business with ya!!

wtf you of it...........

renamed bag seed


New Member
I can't believe people who think they can get a good seedbank up and running fast. I would never try to make a seedbank my self cuz of how much work it find out what all the laws is and such before getting the site up and running. Then spending a min of 1 year getting to know a single strain.
I don't think opening a seedbank would be nearly as hard as breeding. If you have a decent bankroll to make a good site, get some solid inventory, and advertise like Attitude does you'd make money. You could start a good seedbank if you had a 150k in capital to start and were willing to put in 80-100 hour work weeks for the first few years.


New Member
Bricktop. You said he was going into business for the wrong reason.... money. I agree with most of what you said but for what other reason would I possibly open a business than for the money to provide for myself and my family?


Well-Known Member
Hi my name is Agar, i'm sick of getting ripped of by all the seedbanks so am thinking of starting my Own. I already have some names thought:

Buzz automatic - a automatic strain giving high effects.
Couch Lock Haze - a real couch lock effect (regular ONLY)
Enlightenment Automatic - automatic enlightenment!!
Hempapotamus - a high yielding auto flowering strain
Stoned Buzz Automatic - gives a real stoned buzz (feminized)
Stoned Girl - a strain especially for girls (feminzied ONLY!!)

Need to learn how to do genetics so if any of you guys can help me out that would be great, specially need to know how to make Feminized seeds? And autos.

All my seeds are going to be CHEAP, no rip ofs like all the other seedbanks.

Toolage 87

Well-Known Member
I don't think opening a seedbank would be nearly as hard as breeding. If you have a decent bankroll to make a good site, get some solid inventory, and advertise like Attitude does you'd make money. You could start a good seedbank if you had a 150k in capital to start and were willing to put in 80-100 hour work weeks for the first few years.
That is very true. A person can start a seed bank with a site and some seeds for only $1,000 but you would have to sink pretty much ever single cent you make from it bank into seeds and paying to keep the site online. Not only that but after every seed (if he sold singles) or seed packs he sells he would have to put another order in for more seeds. Heck $300 could get him a seed bank up and running but you'd have to sink in as much money you get from it back into it.

Like I have already said I would become a breeder and have my own seed bank but its to much work and I don't want to mess around with so many laws and such just to have one.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like you want to be a breeder, not a seedbank which purchases seeds from breeders and then resells them.

Step number one. If you do not already live in a country where making seeds and selling seeds is legal, relocate to one.

Step number two. Take university courses in plant genetics and plant breeding and strain stabilization.

Step number four. Travel the world and collect genetics. The more that you have that others do not have the greater chance you have of creating strains that are not more or less like one hundred other strains that are already out. Do not rely on the work of others for your breeding stable. Do not start with what others have already created and think you are a true breeder.

Step number five. Create five or six strains that are good enough to be worthy of being marketed and then find seedbanks that will purchase your product for resale, then add to your number of strains.

Hint number one. Don't go heavy into gimmick genetics like auto-flowering and feminized. Regular seeds are more stable and more reliable.

Hint number two. Wait until you have a strain ready to market and name it either according to it's 'personality' or that will be in some way descriptive of it and if you cannot do either pick something catchy, but not like the names you listed. Example: True Hazes are either all sativa or mostly sativa, neither being known for producing a couch-lock body stone so "Couch Lock Haze" would be a contradictory name if it was indeed a Haze. And if not a Haze it would be false advertising.

But you might as well go into breeding. There's about a hundred or so breeders now that know little to nothing about it, so one more won't hurt.
the hint you gave is a weak one.you seem to be another one of the snobs who have a problem with fems.i have grown many fems and found them to be very reliable and stable,just as stable and reliable as many regs(have you grown fems?probably not).also there is alot of money to be made selling fems,so its best to actually sell both fems and regs.this is what many TOP breeders now do.


Well-Known Member
its easy why is their so many bottem rate growers with fem seed banks...

one bottle of collodial silver goes a long way

Brick Top

New Member
Bricktop. You said he was going into business for the wrong reason.... money. I agree with most of what you said but for what other reason would I possibly open a business than for the money to provide for myself and my family?

The driving force of the earliest and the best breeders was the love of the plant, a deep desire to help better it and to create places where others who love the plant would have access to seeds.

Consider what was part of the big breakup of Scott Blakey (AKA Shantibaba) and Arjan (Green House Seeds). By his last Cup win Shantibaba could already see it was turning into a dog and pony show and losing credibility so he said he wasn't going to enter anymore Cup competitions. Arjan said it's great advertisement and a win brings in the big bucks. Shanti sold Arjan his share of the business and took his genetics and opened up Mr. Nice Seeds and has never entered another Cup competition.

He knew a good enough living could be made by breeding the best strains possible and that being part of the circus that the HTCC competition was turning into just to earn a larger income was not the right thing to do, the money was not of utmost importance to him. The plant is of utmost importance to him.

The quest for money was of such great importance that one year he was caught trying to bribe judges at the HTCC and Green House Seeds was banned from the competition that year. That not only got Green House Seeds banned that year but it showed how the money is far more important to Arjan than the plant AND it was the straw that broke the camel's back (or as Kelly Bundy so eloquently stated it, "the squaw that stroked the camel's sack," and his partner in the Green House Coffee Shop, another of the real true lover of the plant breeders, Nevil, said he wanted out and sold his share in the Green House Coffee Shop. So by Arjan putting money first cost him Shantibaba and Nevil and since then Arjan has pushed mostly mid to low grade hermie prone genetics.

But what I find so stunningly hypocritical is the thread started said:

Originally Posted by Agar Agar

Hi my name is Agar, i'm sick of getting ripped of by all the seedbanks so am thinking of starting my Own.
So clearly he believes it is wrong for seedbanks to rip people off.

But how is he planning to go into business? By taking other breeders work and renaming it, giving it what he thinks will be a catchier more appealing name, trying to sucker them in by making them believe they are purchasing different and better strains than what they actually are. He would be ripping off other breeders and he would be ripping off the customers.

People like that are the very LAST thing the seed business and seed buyers need. What the seed business and seed buyers need is more breeders with a passion for the plant. Ones that will scan the planet for unique genetics and release unique landrace strains and make new crosses that unlike most released now are not basically redundancies, strains that genetically and in high or stone and in yield are so close together that there is no need for them to ever be marketed.

If overnight one third or more of the existing strains vanished, as long as it was the 'right third or more' not one single grower would lose anything because there would still be several strains for them to pick from that would be virtually the same thing as what vanished.

And this guy isn't planning on initially even breeding more redundant strains, and instead just selling other breeders work under different names, putting the 100% exactly the same strains that other breeders make on the market.

And he had the unmitigated audacity to complain about seedbanks ripping people off?

I have been a partner in three businesses in my life so I fully understand the importance of earning a profit. But how would you like to buy a car that was marketed like it was as good or better than a Mercedes and then find that you just bought a re-badged Kia? How would you like to pay for a strain that is marketed as the closest thing to 'The Holy Grail' and then find out that what you actually spent your money on was Green House Seeds The Church?

And consider this .. if he buys other breeder's gear and renames it and you buy it and the seeds won't pop, or only a couple do, could you honestly believe that he would stand behind someone else's product and send you new beans for free? Is he going to guarantee what someone else makes? People bitch about Attitude's policy about seeds that won't pop, even though they do not stop to think how it is based in legalities and not chosen business policy, so why would anyone think that this guy would go into his own pocket and lose some of the profit that is clearly his driving force to enter the business, since the no ripoff thing was clearly false, and stand behind some breeder's gear that he renamed?

This guy needs to find himself a small lot somewhere, cover it with gravel, put a small prefabricated building on it, buy himself a bunch of suits that look like they were made from old horse blankets and seat covers from 70's era Volkswagens, get some patent leather shoes, some white socks and white belts, splash on some Aqua Velva and be a used up car salesman! That is the level his business ethics are on. While saying ripping people off is wrong, that is precisely what his intentions to do are, regardless of how he might attempt to spin them.

Agar Agar

The driving force of the earliest and the best breeders was the love of the plant, a deep desire to help better it and to create places where others who love the plant would have access to seeds.

Consider what was part of the big breakup of Scott Blakey (AKA Shantibaba) and Arjan (Green House Seeds). By his last Cup win Shantibaba could already see it was turning into a dog and pony show and losing credibility so he said he wasn't going to enter anymore Cup competitions. Arjan said it's great advertisement and a win brings in the big bucks. Shanti sold Arjan his share of the business and took his genetics and opened up Mr. Nice Seeds and has never entered another Cup competition.

He knew a good enough living could be made by breeding the best strains possible and that being part of the circus that the HTCC competition was turning into just to earn a larger income was not the right thing to do, the money was not of utmost importance to him. The plant is of utmost importance to him.

The quest for money was of such great importance that one year he was caught trying to bribe judges at the HTCC and Green House Seeds was banned from the competition that year. That not only got Green House Seeds banned that year but it showed how the money is far more important to Arjan than the plant AND it was the straw that broke the camel's back (or as Kelly Bundy so eloquently stated it, "the squaw that stroked the camel's sack," and his partner in the Green House Coffee Shop, another of the real true lover of the plant breeders, Nevil, said he wanted out and sold his share in the Green House Coffee Shop. So by Arjan putting money first cost him Shantibaba and Nevil and since then Arjan has pushed mostly mid to low grade hermie prone genetics.

But what I find so stunningly hypocritical is the thread started said:

So clearly he believes it is wrong for seedbanks to rip people off.

But how is he planning to go into business? By taking other breeders work and renaming it, giving it what he thinks will be a catchier more appealing name, trying to sucker them in by making them believe they are purchasing different and better strains than what they actually are. He would be ripping off other breeders and he would be ripping off the customers.

People like that are the very LAST thing the seed business and seed buyers need. What the seed business and seed buyers need is more breeders with a passion for the plant. Ones that will scan the planet for unique genetics and release unique landrace strains and make new crosses that unlike most released now are not basically redundancies, strains that genetically and in high or stone and in yield are so close together that there is no need for them to ever be marketed.

If overnight one third or more of the existing strains vanished, as long as it was the 'right third or more' not one single grower would lose anything because there would still be several strains for them to pick from that would be virtually the same thing as what vanished.

And this guy isn't planning on initially even breeding more redundant strains, and instead just selling other breeders work under different names, putting the 100% exactly the same strains that other breeders make on the market.

And he had the unmitigated audacity to complain about seedbanks ripping people off?

I have been a partner in three businesses in my life so I fully understand the importance of earning a profit. But how would you like to buy a car that was marketed like it was as good or better than a Mercedes and then find that you just bought a re-badged Kia? How would you like to pay for a strain that is marketed as the closest thing to 'The Holy Grail' and then find out that what you actually spent your money on was Green House Seeds The Church?

And consider this .. if he buys other breeder's gear and renames it and you buy it and the seeds won't pop, or only a couple do, could you honestly believe that he would stand behind someone else's product and send you new beans for free? Is he going to guarantee what someone else makes? People bitch about Attitude's policy about seeds that won't pop, even though they do not stop to think how it is based in legalities and not chosen business policy, so why would anyone think that this guy would go into his own pocket and lose some of the profit that is clearly his driving force to enter the business, since the no ripoff thing was clearly false, and stand behind some breeder's gear that he renamed?

This guy needs to find himself a small lot somewhere, cover it with gravel, put a small prefabricated building on it, buy himself a bunch of suits that look like they were made from old horse blankets and seat covers from 70's era Volkswagens, get some patent leather shoes, some white socks and white belts, splash on some Aqua Velva and be a used up car salesman! That is the level his business ethics are on. While saying ripping people off is wrong, that is precisely what his intentions to do are, regardless of how he might attempt to spin them.
Well that's just, like, your opinion, man.

cary schellie

Active Member
i want to order couch lock haze fem, are u gonna include freebies, id like to try buzz automatic. can u tell me the thc % flower time and specs please. do u sell packs of 100?