Wanted to share, with pics! Enjoy, comments welcome!


Well-Known Member
Hello, just wantedt to share my grow with everyone. I am 40 days in to flowering, and I know I should have started this a long time ago, but look at the brightside we don't have to wait long to see the harvest. Anyway I have some Millennium Bud going, 5 plants, and then some bagseed I got, 8 plants. I have also taken plenty of clones, and already started the next ones! :smile: So I have 13 getting close to harvest. Millennium Bud is only suppossed to take 50 days to flower, not sure about the bagseed. Anyone have any questions or comments please feel free to post! Enjoy the pics! I have pics from when they were young all the way up until now, and you will see how they have grown. :)



Well-Known Member
So if anyone is interested in updates or any questions let me know, I am not going to bother updating this journal because it doesn't seem anyone is interested. If there is interest let me know and I will update with lots of pics. I would love to share, but at the sametime, no sense posting and updating if there is no interest! Happy Growing to all! :)


Well-Known Member
those babies are looking freakin good man! pic number 15 is my favorite thats a nice thick bud you got there!

congrats man on a job well done... (can't wait till we share comments about how good the smoke is...lol)

peace my friend


Well-Known Member
Looking very healthy...What is your light source? Not much longer to go...I wish I was closer...lol


Well-Known Member
I use a 1000 watt metal halide! And it works out great for me. :) I also can't wait to see the finish! Very excited! Thanks for the comments! :)


Well-Known Member
Can we have some updates ;) ??

Can u make some pics of the buds... far away, close up, hairs aso... ;)

Would love to see more


Well-Known Member
Yes, I will give you updates, and try to take some better pics later when lights are on! Thanks for watching! :)


Well-Known Member
hey grow? you use a 1000w mh for your flowering cycle too?
Yes Sir I do! I am thinking about getting a conversion bulb, but right now, I am fine with the MH. It seems to be working just fine, but I would like to compare 1000 MH to 1000 HPS for flowering. :) As soon as I am saving money on smoke I can invest in things like that! But haven't had any plants in months so been buying a lot. LOL


Well-Known Member
cool, well i guess MH for flowering does work nicely after all huh? do you think it played a bit on your yield? in comparison to if you had used a HPS?


Well-Known Member
cool, well i guess MH for flowering does work nicely after all huh? do you think it played a bit on your yield? in comparison to if you had used a HPS?
I have used MH everytime I have grown, never ever used an HPS so not sure, but I am going to get a HPS and try the Millennium under that and see if the difference is big. I will keep you updated. It will probably be a month or 2 before I get one though!


Well-Known Member
Hey Everyone! I am going to take some pics tonight, and put some fresh ones up! Things are looking good! The millennium is only suppossed to take 50 days to flower, and day 50 is on the 17th. They do not look like they will be done then! Hey Malachi, are yours going to finish up right around day 50? Or do they look like they will take longer then 50? Thanks again everyone, check for the pics later! :)


Well-Known Member
Hey Everyone! I am going to take some pics tonight, and put some fresh ones up! Things are looking good! The millennium is only suppossed to take 50 days to flower, and day 50 is on the 17th. They do not look like they will be done then! Hey Malachi, are yours going to finish up right around day 50? Or do they look like they will take longer then 50? Thanks again everyone, check for the pics later! :)
Here are the pics I promised! Please tell me what you think, how they look? Remember I had 2 kinds, bagseed, all from the same kind of bud, and millennium bud from drgreenthumb. The close ups may be a little blury, sorry about that, the camera sucks. LOL. Enjoy! Comments welcome!

