Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?


Well-Known Member
hey this is my first grow and i have been flowering for 8 weeks 1 day but im still confused on wen to harvest.. can u help me out? here are some pics srry they are blurry my camera wasn't taking clear pics no matter wut i did.
i'd give that 6 to 9 more days. :)


Well-Known Member
how about these been flowering for 8 weeks 3 days. leaving for 4 days to texas think they will be late if i let them go til 8 weeks 7 days??

trics seem mostly cloudy like 5% amber so far.
they look pretty close. 4 more days shouldn't hurt them any. ;)


Well-Known Member
FDD - how long do you think this blue cheese has left?

i was starting the flush as of this week (unless you say otherwise?). shes 6.5 weeks into flowering.

here is a group shot - shes on the right, the other on the left are just cheese - how long do you think they have?



Active Member
hello people,
can you advise me on when you think i should cut these please and any geusses on the strains please as i did not buy them i was givin them and not sure what to beleive he told me they were white widow they are real smelly and sticky with crystals all over.im proud as punch as this is my 1st ever grow and ive done alright i think lol no pest or any other visible threats.
Photo-0070.jpgPhoto-0071.jpgPhoto-0072.jpgi know they arnt the best pics but i hope you can still tell


Well-Known Member
hello people,
can you advise me on when you think i should cut these please and any geusses on the strains please as i did not buy them i was givin them and not sure what to beleive he told me they were white widow they are real smelly and sticky with crystals all over.im proud as punch as this is my 1st ever grow and ive done alright i think lol no pest or any other visible threats.
View attachment 1094306View attachment 1094307View attachment 1094308i know they arnt the best pics but i hope you can still tell
looks like 2 more weeks yet.


budd box 036.jpgbudd box 035.jpgbudd box 037.jpgwell boss for the 1000th time what do you think,the middle one looks like its turned out different they were ment to all be whiterussian?what you thinking there then.


Well-Known Member

SLH, posted about a week or so ago, just seeing if one more week wouldnt hurt it. around 8 weeks now. following greenhouse 11 weeks would be sept. 1st. would that be too much for her? thanks


Well-Known Member
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SLH, posted about a week or so ago, just seeing if one more week wouldnt hurt it. around 8 weeks now. following greenhouse 11 weeks would be sept. 1st. would that be too much for her? thanks

another week for sure, looks like it may be able to go 2 more. we'll know more in a week.