Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?


Well-Known Member
Hey FDD, its me again. I think this is the last time I will asking for your advice, since I have bugged you enough!

I waited the extra few days you told me too. I think I am going to snip it tonight.

Here are the pics from today. Let me know if you think tonight is an ok time to cut them down, or should I still wait a couple more days?



Active Member
Hi FDD thanks for the great thread. i have a short rider autoflower she broke soil on 5/3/10.
can you take a look at her pics and tell me where you thinks she is. Im a little concerned about the yellowing of the leaves, i read that can be normal in the final stages of flowering. if not it could be a Neut. Def. take a look. i can get better pics if u need..... thanks for your help..



Well-Known Member
Hey FDD, its me again. I think this is the last time I will asking for your advice, since I have bugged you enough!

I waited the extra few days you told me too. I think I am going to snip it tonight.

Here are the pics from today. Let me know if you think tonight is an ok time to cut them down, or should I still wait a couple more days?
i'd say they are within the "window". they could go longer, but they look good now as well. now it's up to you to decide. ;)


Well-Known Member
Hi FDD thanks for the great thread. i have a short rider autoflower she broke soil on 5/3/10.
can you take a look at her pics and tell me where you thinks she is. Im a little concerned about the yellowing of the leaves, i read that can be normal in the final stages of flowering. if not it could be a Neut. Def. take a look. i can get better pics if u need..... thanks for your help..
i'd say another week, tops. the yellowing of the leaves is typical and not a problem. it is the sign of a good flushing. :)


Active Member
thanks for the quick reply... i havent really started to flush yet last time i gave nuets was 3 waterings ago im a newbie so i should just water it rest of the way.. or do i need to put it in tube and run water till it drains clear


Well-Known Member
Hey FDD. Thanks for the super fast reply. yea I figured they could go a bit longer or be cut, either way. I will see how much time I have tonight. IF I do, chop chop. If not, tomorrow. Thanks for all your help!



Well-Known Member
thanks for the quick reply... i havent started to flush yet im a newbie so i should just water it rest of the way.. or do i need to put it in tube and run water till it drains clear
just watering with plain water will be enough.


Well-Known Member
I have a DP Mazar and a SS Big bud at 8 weeks today, i think the mazar may be a few days behind. Ive been flushing for about a week. I hear 9-10 weeks for the big bud and 8 for the Mazar although mine doesn't look anywhere done. Here's the pictures

I also threw a couple of pictures from a random dro seed. Dont know what it is though.

Thanks for the help.:leaf:


Active Member

Hey fdd, props for all the help you hand out to everyone! This is Destiny. She is an auto assassin 51 days from seed. I know she's not done yet, but I was wondering if I should start flushing, or maybe water with molasses once? Thanks!:peace:


Well-Known Member
I have a DP Mazar and a SS Big bud at 8 weeks today, i think the mazar may be a few days behind. Ive been flushing for about a week. I hear 9-10 weeks for the big bud and 8 for the Mazar although mine doesn't look anywhere done. Here's the pictures

I also threw a couple of pictures from a random dro seed. Dont know what it is though.

Thanks for the help.:leaf:
i'd say 10 -14 more days on all of them. except that one sativa looking one towards the end. it looked just about done. ;)


Active Member
keep doing what ever you are doing now. it looks really good. it has 3 or 4 weeks yet. :)
Thanks fdd! Makes me feel good gettin a compliment from you! 3 or 4 weeks though, isn't that like half a life cycle? She's only supposed to take 55-60 days from seed. But either way, I'm bettin she gives me some good shit!


Well-Known Member
Hello fdd2blk,

If I can pick your brain here are my girls:

X4 Barney's Farm Amnesia Lemon Feminized
Soil: Biobizz All mix
Light: X2 300W Enviro
Flowering since the 16th of Mai

Thanks for your time