Wanna try dxm..Girlfriend got pissed when I told her

  • Thread starter hempcurescancer
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Ive been researching dxm, the active drug in robitussin, on the internet and had decided i wanted to try it. I was only gonna do a 300 ml dose, which anybody who has done dxm would know that's a low dose. When i told my girlfriend, she freaked out, asked me why i would fuck around with that stuff, and told me id od. Shes actually a really knowledgable person about this kind of stuff, but ive done all the research..so is dxm really bad even at that low of a dose?


Active Member
No, it's not that bad. It's your girlfriends' fetish with guilt and control. Girlfriends will suck the life out of you, especially highschool girls, they're the absolute worst. Balancing a love life and a drug life is nearly impossible. Unless you find one of those cool chics that likes to get high too, that is until she cheats on you. Me, Issues, Never.


Well shes pregnant and hormonal shes the one that helped get me into weed showed me the truth about in when i thought it was dangerous, etc. I just think she doesnt know that much about it and is just worried. Thanks for the concern but shes never controlling lol. and a website calculated for my body weight that i take around 400 mg for my first time n i was gonna go even lower what dose do u usually take?

fried at 420

Well-Known Member
Ive been researching dxm, the active drug in robitussin, on the internet and had decided i wanted to try it. I was only gonna do a 300 ml dose, which anybody who has done dxm would know that's a low dose. When i told my girlfriend, she freaked out, asked me why i would fuck around with that stuff, and told me id od. Shes actually a really knowledgable person about this kind of stuff, but ive done all the research..so is dxm really bad even at that low of a dose?
i wouldent of told my girlfriend that i was gunna go chug a bottle of cough syrup


Well-Known Member
haha 300mg of dxm for your first time is not a low dose my friend.

thats a relatively low dose where i live dope fiend kids be taking like over 600 mg , most people ive heard about having a bad dxm experience had a bad one because they were dumb and took the wrong cough meds like the ones where dxm is not the only main ingredient

480 is the most i think ive done like 16 triple cccs like back in the day


Well-Known Member
I think its a low dose for a first timer..I saw 400-450 for first timers.. As ive turned over 50 people on to the drug =D. I say drink 5 oz. And have herb. Fuck a girl friend. I agree with you Calico. Drug life doesnt mix well with girl friends lmao. Thats why I just do what I want and if people dont like it they can suck my scrotum.


thats a relatively low dose where i live dope fiend kids be taking like over 600 mg , most people ive heard about having a bad dxm experience had a bad one because they were dumb and took the wrong cough meds like the ones where dxm is not the only main ingredient

480 is the most i think ive done like 16 triple cccs like back in the day
thats what im sayin and yea some ppl dont know tht u gotta take like robitussin cuz other ones have like guafisen or other shit tht could fuck ur shit up


Well-Known Member
Yeah but stay away from the triple c's. I usually always take 720mg's. But always suggest 400-450. I think you shouldnt do it in a hot area. Like a house thats as hot as a sauna and or outside in intense heat. Have like an eighth of some bud and smoke after drinking it..and then when you start feeling different. It really kicks in after this...it feels amazing to smoke on it. Never mind the drug is just beautiful. Techno FTW.


Active Member
Alright well my buddies and I all were hallucinating fine off of 300mg Robitussin gel caps 20 in a bottle 15mg a piece for 5 bucks. Pretty sure everyone puked too and it was just crazy.


I hear ya man. glad i always got ac runnin in my room. think i mite scrape the crystals off the stems of my shit and sprinkle them over the bowl i smoke after i drink it


Alright well my buddies and I all were hallucinating fine off of 300mg Robitussin gel caps 20 in a bottle 15mg a piece for 5 bucks. Pretty sure everyone puked too and it was just crazy.
I heared the gel caps were a different story. i was talking about the cough syrup robitussin. if its the gel caps then ur probably right i wouldnt do 300 mg if it was the caps until i was more experienced.


Well-Known Member
Yeah the active ingredient Chlorpheniramine Maleate is one you want to stay away from. Which triple c's deliver as an active ingredient. If you have trouble dealing with drinking the cough syrup you can get the robitussin or generic tussin cough gels. I have to swallow atleast 40 of them though. Perhaps 50.

fried at 420

Well-Known Member
i hate gels they suck going down then having about 50 pills chillin in ur stomach wouldent be cool id just go for 1 1/2 bottle about 8oz


Well-Known Member
I heared the gel caps were a different story. i was talking about the cough syrup robitussin. if its the gel caps then ur probably right i wouldnt do 300 mg if it was the caps until i was more experienced.
The gels your supposed to get is the same thing as the robitusin. The syrup is just in each gel. HAHA. Good tip for the chugging process. Dont try to drink it from the bottle it takes longer haha. Pour it in a glass and chug it from there. But yeah 1 4oz bottle will be 360mg of DXM. It will be fun fun.

And to the person saying they were hallucinating on 300mgs. LMAO Thats an incredibly low amount, hallucinations dont usually start until a 3rd-4th plateau trip.
But yeah..


Yeah the active ingredient you most want to stay away from is Chlorpheniramine Maleate. Which triple c's deliver as an active ingredient. If you have trouble dealing with drinking the cough syrup you can get the robitussin or generic tussin cough gels. I have to swallow atleast 40 of them though. Perhaps 50.
the gel caps are a good option but i think i culd tough drinking the bottle out. But man, from the stories ive read, even a lighter dose is supposed to be fucking tightt..drink the bottle, smoke a bowl, have a ciggy:cool:


Well-Known Member
I always drink..smoke half a cig. Smoke bowl. Smoke other half haha =D. But the glass technique is very easy to get it down only tasting it once =D. Low stages are more of a drunkin stage. Sometimes real low 100-300 can be very itchy!!!!!! AHHH But I remember the first time I took it..I took 240..Not even knowing shitabout the drug haha. Just took 8 triple c's..the next time I went to 12 which is 360. What you should take mg wise not the same brand haha. But yeah then I just went one up every time. But now im steady on 720, ill go deeper on pure DXM.


oh yea i read that at the crazily higher doses ppl use it to meditate like ppl do with high-doses of shrooms..that shit would be fuckin crazy. and with a bottle of water handy the syrup isnt terrible in a glass..i tried once but it was nighttime syrup and my dumbass thought i could fight it with coffee and other caffiene..dumb lol


Well-Known Member
I wouldnt mix the water with it though. HAHA my friend did that and the result is not good. But sip that water right after you chug haha.