Waddup Everybody


Well,since its my first official post I dont really know what to write.So with that going for my first intro,the names NstyNai,or Nai.I consider myself an experienced psychonaut,and I truly beleive entheogenic substances and other hallucinogens are very good tools for introspect.They can be frightening sometimes but I always find I've learned something about myself,or my surrounding.And it just all,for lack of a better term,''seems to make sense."(Life,your very being,etc).You can learn so much about yourself you really didnt realize before,whether it be how ignorant you are of things,the way you act,or approach situations.Anyway I think thats all I have to say right now,that was just something I wanted to put out there,since some ppl arent so accepting of such talk.And this seems the right place to express myself.Hope I didnt break any rules.:eyesmoke:yea...PeAcE'n'LoVe yall:peace: