VPD recommends pot shop complaint be dismissed


Well-Known Member
You should realize you're "BEAT" when the police won't even listen to you... :lol:

The Vancouver Police Department has recommended the Vancouver Police Board dismiss a complaint from an anti-pot shop crusader accusing police of failing to shut down the city’s 100 or so illegal marijuana dispensaries.

In a 15-page report that goes before the board Thursday, Deputy Chief Doug LePard provided a detailed analysis of the complaint from Pamela McColl of Smart Approaches to Marijuana Canada and outlined why the majority of dispensaries continue to operate without police interference.

“Marijuana dispensaries are illegal,” LePard wrote. “However, the issue of enforcement against marijuana dispensaries is a complicated one because of intersecting legal, social and political factors.”

The department has publicly stated several times that it does not consider enforcement against pot shops a top priority, saying the drug squad’s focus is on disrupting the trade of harder drugs such as heroin, cocaine and the prevalence of fentanyl, which recently caused several overdose deaths.

That position is reiterated in the report, although LePard pointed out that since 2013 police executed 11 search warrants at dispensaries, including one in August associated to the Hells Angels. The investigations resulted in 23 charges recommended against 11 suspects. Crown has, so far, approved 16 charges.

“The reality is that the multiple search warrants executed and charges recommended have generally not resulted in dispensaries shutting down,” he said, noting one pot shop was raided three times but reopened after each investigation.

LePard said that in mid-2013, when approximately 27 pot shops were operating in Vancouver, police and senior staff at city hall discussed using existing city bylaws, complemented by police enforcement, to stop the proliferation of dispensaries.

At the time, he said, the city decided not to enforce bylaws and instead began to develop a set of regulations to issue business licences, which city council approved in June. Over that period, the number of pot shops increased to about 100.

“Now that the city has approved a regulatory scheme, it is expected that dispensaries that operate in a manner that generates police enforcement action will also not be in compliance with the city’s new regulations, which can be used to shut them,” said LePard of the regulations, which include pot shops not allowed to operate within 300 metres of a school, have its operators subject to criminal record checks and pay an annual licence fee of $1,000 to $30,000, depending on whether the business is selling marijuana for recreational or medicinal use.

In August, the city received 176 applications from people wanting a business licence to operate – or continue operating – an illegal dispensary. The city has made it clear the bylaws are to regulate the business, not the marijuana. The city continues to process the applications.

In his report, LePard outlined the “somewhat chaotic state” of the law regarding medical marijuana, which has led to confusion over what is legal and illegal, and seems to have been the catalyst for the proliferation of pot shops.

“It is clear there is some genuine demand for marijuana for medical reasons, but it appears Health Canada-authorized suppliers have the capacity to meet the needs of those who have an authority to possess it for medical reasons,” he said. “As one B.C. prosecutor wryly noted, ‘If you look at the amount being sold by dispensaries, Vancouver must be the sickest city in Canada.’”

Added LePard: “The reality is that some dispensaries are both part of a movement to push for legalization of marijuana for any purpose and are supplying what is obviously a large recreational market.”

In her complaint, McColl alleges police are disregarding Canadian drug laws and ignoring complaints from the public to investigate pot shops. LePard said the department doesn’t disregard requests to investigate crime but pointed out Police Chief Adam Palmer must decide “how to prioritize the use of expensive resources.”

To illustrate the cost, LePard broke down one case from a 2014 pot shop investigation, which resulted in four charges against two people. In total, 560 hours of police time was required, with a value of more than $34,000 in pay and benefits for the officers.

“Or stated another way, the investigation required the equivalent of one officer working full-time for approximately three months,” he said, noting it took three months for Health Canada to analyze the seized marijuana and marijuana-infused goods before the case could be forwarded to Crown.

The Courier was unable to reach McColl before this story was posted. It’s not clear whether she plans to attend Thursday’s police board meeting.

[email protected]


- See more at: http://www.vancourier.com/news/vpd-recommends-pot-shop-complaint-be-dismissed-1.2061014#sthash.rqwuh6B0.dpuf


Well-Known Member
The best part of all of this story is the fact that VPD basically are admitting that have been over growen when you think of it that is cool, seems marc emery achieved his goal from back in the day, he just wanted to over grow the gov, well at least in BC that has happened, now we just need the big O to step up the game. Oh one other thought is that if they can not shut down 100+ CCs then how can they shut down a few 1000 home grows? specially if you are only rocking 1 or 2 maybe 3 lights, with that said if you want to grow just do you, do not sell to anyone and you should be good, if you get popped argue what the CCs are arguing, you are supplying yourself because CCs and LPs are all bunk?


Well-Known Member
I always found it funny when say police say things like..... it cost X amount of dollars to do things.... well in reality they aren't making a new position or hiring a new person to do that job.... no that job already has someone that enjoys their timmies coffee and donut. ..... they are doing something for that 34000 dollars

Aren't they?

Even though it's about nonsense just thought I would say ...


Well-Known Member
Vancouver police want complaint about pot dispensaries dismissed

Marijuana is weighed at a medical marijuana dispensary in Vancouver on Wednesday, Feb. 5, 2015. (Jonathan Hayward / THE CANADIAN PRESS)

The Canadian Press
Published Thursday, September 17, 2015 4:07PM EDT

Vancouver police are calling for the dismissal of a complaint before the city's police board that alleges the department isn't enforcing the law against illegal marijuana dispensaries.

Pamela McColl of the group Smart Approaches to Marijuana Canada filed the complaint, which accuses the VPD of "failing in their duty to maintain law and order" by not shutting down all pot shops.

Deputy Chief Doug LePard has responded in a 15-page report that will go before the police board today.

He says using criminal law to shut down dispensaries is generally ineffective and a better tool is bylaw enforcement, which the city will soon have with its regulation of the dispensaries.

LePard says the force will take action against dispensaries when public safety concerns exist, and has executed 11 search warrants and recommended multiple charges since 2013.

Selling marijuana over the counter is illegal in Canada and last week Health Canada sent cease-and-desist letters to 13 pot stores warning of RCMP raids if they don't close.=

Ohhhh.... shee's all terriiistic like eh! ....maybe she should be locked up?!?! 8)