Vote for Ron Paul-----Great idea


Well-Known Member
"No State shall enter into any Treaty, Alliance, or Confederation; grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal; coin Money; emit Bills of Credit; make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts; pass any Bill of Attainder, ex post facto Law, or Law impairing the Obligation of Contracts, or grant any Title of Nobility."
they translate that as " no STATE can do it, but it says nothing about the federal government not doing it"


Well-Known Member
So now you didn't post that a day later from the original games all you want...but you bitch made and folks like you get the next man looked at or busted...Damn RIU getting real bad now


Well-Known Member
they translate that as " no STATE can do it, but it says nothing about the federal government not doing it"
States do it by accepting fed reserve notes. by doing transactions in dollars they are violating the constitution. when they take taxes or accept federal grants or taking bids on contracts they are in violation.


Well-Known Member
So now you didn't post that a day later from the original games all you want...but you bitch made and folks like you get the next man looked at or busted...Damn RIU getting real bad now
Seriously? If you can prove I originally brought it up I bet you can find that post and Quote it here for all to see. But you won't do that because it would expose the truth and make you look, well less than smart.


Well-Known Member
Stated do it by accepting fed reserve notes. by doing transactions in dollars they are violating the constitution. when they take taxes or accept fedral grants or bid on contracts they are in violation.
Constitution? Isn't that the thing thats gives us all our rights, enumerates them ( We only have 10 you know) and is completely "living" and ever changing according to how liberal one is?


Well-Known Member
Bytch play games all you want...if it don't bother you don't mention it...
You accusing me of things I did not do is what bothers me. You figured that out a while back, but you keep up the charade hoping no one goes back and reads the thread or god forbid Post # 132 when it was originally brought up. You never have an actual point to make with any of your posts, just attacks on peoples ideas or on the people themselves. Just once I would love to see you have an actual thoughtful discussion with someone without resorting to name calling.


Well-Known Member
You accusing me of things I did not do is what bothers me. You figured that out a while back, but you keep up the charade hoping no one goes back and reads the thread or god forbid Post # 132 when it was originally brought up. You never have an actual point to make with any of your posts, just attacks on peoples ideas or on the people themselves. Just once I would love to see you have an actual thoughtful discussion with someone without resorting to name calling.
Play games Bytch I said "bring it up" or "mention it"..not who original said something the day before ....if it didnt bother you why you bring it up the next day post #144...hell the conversation had moved on...then your bytch made azz had to speak on it..why ???it don't bother you ...stop trying to cover up being a bytch..people like you:roll:


Well-Known Member
Constitution? Isn't that the thing that gives us all our rights, enumerates them ( We only have 10 you know) and is completely "living" and ever changing according to how liberal one is?
i see what you did there...

but to be fair, as a liberal i would like to see the constitution protect more rights as time goes on.

kinda coincides with being progressive, but not completely.

your move :evil:


Well-Known Member
i see what you did there...

but to be fair, as a liberal i would like to see the constitution protect more rights as time goes on.

kinda coincides with being progressive, but not completely.

your move :evil:
At least my efforts never go unnoticed with you. 8)

I would like to see the Constitution rewritten and made to protect us more than it does now too, but I think the politicians have gotten the system to the point where most people are apathetic to politicians running rough shod over the tenets of the US Constitution, then again I doubt 1 in a 1000 even knows what the constitution is or what it was meant to be. Honestly look around and see all the people who are not one bit politically aware ( Most people here in this forum do not fit that generalization). Those ignorant many are the people who are choosing the politicians.


Well-Known Member
actually, a lot of what you say flies over my head. less so as time goes on.

but yes, we are faced with a very fucked-in-the-head electorate. we see some of them wade into this forum once in a while, but for the most part people that post here have some basis to what they say. like i said, with some exceptions.

maybe they should just let the regulars at riu decide the next election?


Well-Known Member
God gives us our rights, the constitution was put in place to limit the governments infringement upon our rights.


Well-Known Member
The Declaration of Independence actually says "The Creator" gave us those rights, whether that is god, space dust or the tooth fairy, its authority cannot be usurped by anything mankind can envision. Except the Patriot Act....

Beardo you are spot on with what the US Constitution is about though.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
I'm with you beardo. I'd be happy with any of these: Paul, Palin, Bachmann, Chris Christy, Paul Ryan or Col. West, just to name a few. And to be clear, not because they are Republicans, but because they are Constitutional Conservatives.

Huge difference between Ron Paul and the rest of the people you mention. The rest rub edges with liberty in their words, not their actions, which retreat into statism and hypocrisy. Ron Paul is far ahead of them in his actions and protecting liberty....and I think NO government is a viable alternative.


New Member
nearly all of those people have also voting against medical marijuana and marijuana legilization/drug policy reform - unlike Dr Paul


Well-Known Member
On Marijuana I'm with Paul on the way, but when it comes to his Civil Rights views I say HELL NO and I choose civil rights over weed anyday ..