Virgin Guerilla


Active Member
Ok! So I got like 20 seeds from the last bud I smoked and I'm expecting more this weekend. I've scouted a few spots to grow which are deep in the woods. I'm new to this and have been researching a bunch. What I need to know is...

What is the best germination process?

How deep does the hole have to be? And how far from each other?

What is the best type of soil to use, if any?

When should I start?



Active Member
Ok! So I got like 20 seeds from the last bud I smoked and I'm expecting more this weekend. I've scouted a few spots to grow which are deep in the woods. I'm new to this and have been researching a bunch. What I need to know is...

What is the best germination process?

How deep does the hole have to be? And how far from each other?

What is the best type of soil to use, if any?

When should I start?

1. get a cd case damp some paper towl throw the seeds inbetween the towle s in the cd. put on something slightly warm on top of lights cable box computer etc etc. (I get the best germination numbers from this method)

2. .5 - 1 inch or so once you put the popped ones in soil

3. Pro mix or scotts soil anything that has some balls to it with 6.4-6.8 ph

4. start as early as possible (inside if u can) throw them in party cups over some cheap shoplights from walmart for a month or so then outside will give you significantly bigger plants

Also if this is your first guerrilla grow research research research or you will prolly get fucked some way or another (hopefully by losing ure plants not going to jail like what happned to me)


Active Member
I can germinate inside but growing is not an option. Also are you sure It's only 1 inch below the surface? Should I replace the exsisting soil with pro mix or combine? Yea buddy that sux about the popo.


Well-Known Member
Just dig a hole about 1 foot deep then put your mixture of soil in the hole and keep moist untill you put your seeds in


Well-Known Member
1/2" to 1" max. Just make sure the soil stays moist, but not wet. Try to put the taproot down.


Active Member
Thanks a lot guys. I'm still trying to decide whether to do the cd case or a glass jar for germination. And what's a good way to keep the soil moist?


Well-Known Member
if you really want to make sure your soil stays at the most perfect possible level, just gather up some spit and hork it into every cup of every watering


Well-Known Member
Put mulch around the base of your plants to help retain water.

I like to soak my seeds in a glass of water over night and then put them into the wet paper towel the following morning. I think it really does help with germination success.


Active Member
I definitely have a plan mapped out but I'm just trying to figure out how the hell I'm going to get all this stuff together and go hiking with it without looking shady.


Well-Known Member
fuck that!!! never tell anyone your growing...when you grow you don't have friends!!!

dig a hole 2 feet down and about a foot across, fill it with some organic soil and you'll be fine, water every couple days and let that shit grow...


Well-Known Member
don't tell anyone what your doin or where ur doin it brother, and as for haulin it that depends where you are and what the people there do but m suggestion is to get a camel back, u can fill ur pouch with water and fit a small shovel and plenty of organics for a small plant, works for me good luck and don't be stupid