viewing trichomes

i have a microscope and have been sussing out my trichomes on the plant.

now i cant get that good a look so im wondering if people trim off a small sample to look at?

there growing outdoor so theyre in wind n that which makes it hard to focus.

also, do u look at all the buds or just say the cola or somthing


Well-Known Member
Some of those microscopes they sell are very difficult to focus and trimming off a bit of lef may be the easiest way to do it. I would check trichomes all over the plant to get an idea of where she is. You will likely notice that the top buds are further along than the rest. This is pretty normal. Many people will harvest these and then come back 2 weeks later or so to do a second harvest.


Well-Known Member

I take a small,tiny sample and then shine alight from above under the 100x mag.
thats how I check the trichs, and I take maybe two sample a time, at weekly intervals..
these are tiny bits but I try take one from the lower branchs, and one from the terminal bud.

Hope that helps,,,


Active Member
i use a jewellers loupe so much easier and less expensive than a proper microscope and u can check the whole plant fast, also the 2nd harvest is a good idea i cut the colas off mine on friday and planing to leave the rest another 2/3 weeks
thanks for the reply's.

my microscope has a little led built in.. it was 8 bucks from ebay and goes 100x

you do have to put the bit you want to view right up the the lense though.

ill take little samples and look at them,
