

I know all the forums on RIU are strictlY about weed. But I just have one question. ProbablY a dumb one. So I got ACL surgerY about a week ago. I have been taking the prescribed amount of vicodin which is about 30mg a daY. I just stopped taking them todaY. ObviouslY You're not supposed to consume alcohol when You're taking vicodin. But how long do I have to wait before I can get shitfaced. I would assume that as soon as the vicodin wears off I'm all set. MaYbe I'm just being paranoid. But I just wanna be sure. Thanks. ]:joint:

fried at 420

Well-Known Member
yea if ya wana get stoopid just wait till it wears off then drink it really dont matter because i was prescribed valium for depression n i drank sometimes with it just makes you pass out or you might feel dizzy n puke but like i just said just wait till the vikes wear off n ur good


Well-Known Member
When the vicodin is out of your system, then you can drink. The reason drinking should be avoided while on vicodin is not because of the hydrocodone. It's the acetaminophen. Your liver may have difficulty in processing both the acetaminophen and the alcohol.

However, 6-8 hours after you take your last pill, you can drink.


Active Member
RIU isn't just marijuana, there's the Hallucinatory substances and other substances board. The people there know far more about drugs than any random joe you're going to meet in public I'd console with them.


New Member
i take vicodin everyday for chronic back pain..i take 30mg a day also.. you can drink anytime now.. dont worry bout it being in ur system even if it was i wounldnt trip over it.. smokin' a nice joint helps my back better then any other drink or drug out there..


Yeah I've been smoking or mY knee too and it works like a charm. Wow I didn't even notice the other substances board. Thanks!