Very strange..


So i started my first grow 2 weeks ago from today. It is an indoor cfl grow. Its also a small grow, i was planning on doing 1 pandora automatic, and 1 vertigo automatic. Both germinated at the same time and i placed them in there 2 gal pots. 2 days later the pandora was sprouting and looking healthy but nothing from vertigo. I gave it 1 full week and vertigo still did not sprout while pandora looks great. So i went ahead took the seed with a little root going down into the soil out and started to germinate another seed. Sugar mango kush. She took 2 days to germinate then i planted her. 2 day of being in the soil and under the light she sprouted a little. Now for the weird part. One day after sugar mango sprouted a little there is something else that sprouted right next to the first sprout. They are not connected at all above the soil.

What could this be? could it be both the sugar mango kush and the vertigo? because i planted the sugar mango in the same pot that the vertigo failed in.

lol im confused