Vertical Growth


Active Member
So I have a 13 day old from seed Amnesia strain and I was wondering how long it takes to form the second node? It stretched pretty bad, but I covered it with soil. But it doesn't seem to be growing vertically.

Here are a couple pictures:




Well-Known Member
at this point it wouldnt make a diff. give it at least a month before you transplant.. theres a huge debate on smart pots vs normal pots.but if smartpots are available for you and youre willing to pay for them then why not right?


Well-Known Member
judging from size it should steadily be growing already. just relax and stop looking at i 5 times a day and u may notice a difference from day to day.


Active Member
4 26w CFL's about 1-3 inches from the top of the plant.
The thing is, it's been the same height for the past week, only growth was the set of leaves.

I haven't fed any nutrients, but was wondering if it'd be okay to feed it nitrogen? And would adding more 26 watters help the growth?

I just feel like it's small for two weeks that's all.