Venturing into the big wide world...


Well-Known Member
Well, the frustration that has been building over 5 months has finally gained the momentum needed to bring me over the edge.

I am going to go out into the big wide world and try to find a "provider of enjoyable greenery."

I have never had to do this before. In this sense, I am a noob. Do I visit local Mcdonalds? Should I approach teenagers at skate parks or will this lead to "help, help, I need an adult!"

Who should I look for... grateful dead t-shirts and dreads or is that cliche?


Well-Known Member
I've always found older Veterans to have some really good smoke and interesting stories if you can befriend any.

Getting people to trust you will be the hardest part.


Well-Known Member
I've always found older Veterans to have some really good smoke and interesting stories if you can befriend any.

Getting people to trust you will be the hardest part.
Hmmm, what should I look for in terms of appearance? You know, so I don't approach an old man who once fought off a group of Vietnamese with a branch and rock and anger him in any way?


Well-Known Member
You know maybe you should reconcider this.
Is there a reason you need this for or is it you just wanta get fucked up??


Well-Known Member
Hmmm, what should I look for in terms of appearance? You know, so I don't approach an old man who once fought off a group of Vietnamese with a branch and rock and anger him in any way?
Lol, most of the guys I've met you couldn't really tell they smoked, they just hinted to it in conversation.


Well-Known Member
No, I will not lie, I have no condition or issue that is alleviated by marijuana. No MS, no cancer, no HIV, no degenerative disorders, no pain, no migraines.

I simply enjoy the plant. I really do not smoke to get "fucked up." I simply take a toke, and enjoy myself while going about my business as normal with a bit of a buzz. It really does help my creativity, and on the whole improves my general disposition (not to say I am an ass without it.)

I enjoy living life, and I happen to enjoy it while a little high at times. I guess this makes me a criminal as what I enjoy is not marketed and sold by large pharmaceutical companies.


are you completely new to the area? first of all, i would try to make new, casual friends. because the more friends you make. the greater the possibility that one of those friends has a friend who smokes & will hook you up.

plus you can look for friends at hookah bars, pipe shops, smoke shops, bars. places where stoners do activities.

i guarentee you that if you set out to make 5 new friends of whom you have never known, you will have at leat one friend that smoke or knows someone who does.

Stoner Smurf

Active Member
No, I will not lie, I have no condition or issue that is alleviated by marijuana. No MS, no cancer, no HIV, no degenerative disorders, no pain, no migraines.

I simply enjoy the plant. I really do not smoke to get "fucked up." I simply take a toke, and enjoy myself while going about my business as normal with a bit of a buzz. It really does help my creativity, and on the whole improves my general disposition (not to say I am an ass without it.)

I enjoy living life, and I happen to enjoy it while a little high at times. I guess this makes me a criminal as what I enjoy is not marketed and sold by large pharmaceutical companies.
That's not true dude, don't sell yourself short. You need medical marijuana as badly as anyone else, for preventive medicine. Much like someone who is worried about heart attacks takes aspirin as preventive medicine. You don't have lung cancer do you? Well not wanting to get it can be reason to smoke marijuana ( Or not wanting to die from a stress-related heart attack at 50.


Well-Known Member

This is how I meet people, I'm a noob to any other form of meeting.
So here.

Go to a college, ask anyone with a tye dye shirt. If you are better at profiling than that, you can meet more people.
Get a car, find a parking garage. Without weed, this would be sketchy. But if you have weed, just yell to smokey lookin people, and ask if they smoke. Then smoke them out.

If you aren't a scared white kid, go to the bad part of any town(East side probably), and WALK around. Don't drive.
Look for a black guy with dreads or sagged pants, or a 40, or beer. Just not a clean cut black dude. And ask him what's up.

At the very least, black guys can tell you where is safe or not.
And how hot, and/or racist your town/police are.


Active Member
You know maybe you should reconcider this.
Is there a reason you need this for or is it you just wanta get fucked up??

question: Is there a reason you need to do this?
answer: yes

then: or is it you just wanta get fucked up?

i'm confused. =(


Well-Known Member
Go to police stations with a business card that declares you an Impound Quality Consultant? cn
With the question mark at the end?
Impound Quality Consultant?

Hmmm, what should I look for in terms of appearance? You know, so I don't approach an old man who once fought off a group of Vietnamese with a branch and rock and anger him in any way?
Just don't talk to the homeless guys that are already talking to themselves.
Usually homeless people are just drunk though. So that's not a really good idea anyways.

They're broke as shit.

Try a disc golf course if you got one around you, then just sniff for the scent in the air.
Disc golf is definitely a good place :D