Venting Multiple rooms --- Help?

Hi All,

I have a room roughly 9' by 10'6" with 2 rooms inside of it.

one 5'Wx9'Lx9'h flower room w/2x1000w
one 3'Wx9'Lx9'h veg/clone/mom w/floros

Leaving me with a hallway 32" in width 9' in length and 9' in height.

the intake is @ the far end of the hallway for both rooms (passive) there is also a light passive intake into the hallway.

and I want to run my exhaust from the hallway, Drawing from a T or Y from both of my rooms through a 640 CFM Carbon filter rated for a 12'x12'x8' room Using a 8" - 742 CFM inline fan. it will also be drawing though 2 cool tubes in the flower room. and then out of the rooms inside a room.

So my Question is will the Carbon filter Scrub the air if it is only being drawn in through the intake and not the wrapped pre filter etc.

I am really hoping to kill 3 smells with well one fan/filter combo. The hall, flower, room and veg room.

Sorry don't have a drawing or digital image of what i am talking about.

All suggestions and recommendations would be great appreciated.




Well-Known Member
the carbon filter only scrubs the air that actually comes into contact with the carbon inside of the filter. any air from a secondary intake that does not pass through the carbon filter will not be filtered.

edited to add:
if you have passive exhaust from two rooms that end up into one room and subsequently get sucked through a carbon filter in that room and exhausted out, it would work, although i wonder how much flow you would get through the passive exhaust if it wasnt sealed. the air would go to the path of least resistance.
Tried to reply earlier guess it did not work...

Thanks for the response "defcomexexperiment"

So what i have is 1 fan drawing air from 2 rooms through the carbon filter Via a Y connection of ducting @ the end intake end of the filter, then through the fan and being exhausted. Will this be sufficient or should i use an Air box style filter.

it is the intake that is passive not the exhaust as the exhaust is being drawn through the 8" inline fan.

All thoughts suggestions greatly appreciated.




I would think that if you had the resistance of a carbon filter on one side of a Y and a open end on the other you'd pull a lot more air via the open end than the filtered end.