Ventilation issue


Active Member
Okay, excuse the mass detail.

I have been having a slight issue with my ventilation system. Now I have been seriously considering building my own cool tube to help this situation, but that is a project for the future.

The measurements of the room are

28"depth x 50" wide x 96"(8 ft) tall. There is only one 400w hps in the room. Aswell as the airpumps for the DWC, a circulation fan, a fan mounted with the lamp to blow heat off of it, and a bathroom exhaust fan which is being used for intake(~20cfm).

According to all the literature available about ventilation the fan size required must be able to vent the volume of the room within 5 mins. The cubic measurement of the room is then 54.44 cuft. So a 80cfm ought to work well enough. In addition to that, I added a 6" 250cfm fan inline also. This should be now somewhere in the range of 330cfm. This should clear the room in about 10seconds. I know that these are ideal numbers but they should be adequate anyway. Btw the fans are running through about 6ft of 4" ducting up into the attic.

I have not been able to close the room due to the fact that the heat builds up too high. I even removed the pre-filter on my carbon filter to see if it would give me a little more air flow, and nothing. I have the ac in the house on to about 63-68degrees. Yet even with the door wide open, I have heat levels of about 75 below canopy, and 80 above. The problem is likely to get worse in the Texas heat.

I ask that you take time in considering my problem and give me a thoughtful answer, as this information may be helpful to myself and others.

Personally, I thought that it might have something to do with the quality of the air seal on the room, but either way it ought to but pulling cooler air into the room through any open cracks.

Thanks in advance.