Ventilation help needed!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hi guys,

right a brief description on grow room ect -

i have a small cupboard (closet) with a grow tent placed inside, running a 600w air cooled hood, intake fan 4'' and outtake fan 5''
there is no windows in cupboard (closet) so i cut a hole and ran the ducting that carries my hot air (outtake) out of the room, however my temps are
still flying high im talking around 32c, could some one please advise me of a way to sort the temp prob? i also have 2 6'' clip on fans in there.
its only a 4 plant grow so could the 600w be a bit of over kill?

thanks in advance for your help and advice


Active Member
You could probably get away with a 400w but...
What are your outside of the room ambient temps? If your temps aren't much cooler outside you are spinning your wheels.
Where is your intake located? It should be located at the bottom to pull the cool air. Preferably from outside the closet.
I would recommend an enclosed hood. One that is ducted from your intake (from outside) the tent and then ducted to your outtake so that it is an isolated circuit.


Well-Known Member
Im with Opm, enclosed hood...filter placed first, then hood, and finally exhaust fan to outlet. As long as you maintain slightly more exhaust as you do intake pressure(negative pressure), it's a matter of getting fresh intake air in and exhausting the warm air to another room. If you CAN...cut a hole for the intake into the wall and make sure you put a screen/filter of some sort over it to keep incoming air clean. Happy growin!


Well-Known Member
Do you have intake from the outside?? Exhaust the light intake from outside


Well-Known Member
Yep the cooler the air you have going Thur your hood the better. Another thing you could do is increase your CFM with bigger fans. The more air you pull Thur your light and your grow space the better. Another option is fans in your grow space. Like a box fan. Might bring you down a little bit. I guess try the cheapest things first to fix your hear issue.
my intake air hole is inside the cupboard (closet) the temps around my cupboard are no more then 20 - 22c maybe i could cut another hole so the air intake comes
from out side the cupboard (closet) however this was my last resort so to speak as i cant really cut another hole, so any other ideas are much wanted/need and thank you for the replies so far guys much appreciated.


Well-Known Member
my intake air hole is inside the cupboard (closet) the temps around my cupboard are no more then 20 - 22c maybe i could cut another hole so the air intake comes
from out side the cupboard (closet) however this was my last resort so to speak as i cant really cut another hole, so any other ideas are much wanted/need and thank you for the replies so far guys much appreciated.
...that is definitely your problem man, the air inside that cupboard you have your tent in is getting hotter and hotter, ...if you cut an intake hole so you draw your intake air from OUTSIDE that cupboard that will almost certainly solve your heat problem.

peace, bozo
This might help you all out a bit more, i have took a couple of pics of my grow room for you to look at and give me suggestions on the ventingside of things i have it set up like this and temps are still 30-31c20130108_164634.jpg20130108_164646.jpg
thanks bozo,

the pro i have is cutting another hole with out it standing out, i have really nosey visitors that notice anything diff all the time, noise ect is not a problem i mastered that one
lol its just this poxy venting i cant do lol


Well-Known Member
thanks bozo,

the pro i have is cutting another hole with out it standing out, i have really nosey visitors that notice anything diff all the time, noise ect is not a problem i mastered that one
lol its just this poxy venting i cant do lol
yeah man, i know what you mean about nosy visitors, lol, ...fortunately, i'm an ornery old phuck so i get few visitors. ...i do get some though so i keep all my growing inside my bedroom and that is private so no nosy visitors allowed, lol.

...anyway, here's a link that should help you to understand the operating principles and what is required to make this work for you.

Ventilation 101

peace, bozo
thats some very good info, okay after changing and more changing i have re done my set up and its now testing the temps i will let ya know how it
turns out
yeah mate i have the oder control all in check, however bozo my temps are still high mate they have dropped to 29.8c now
so any other suggestions on what to do?


Well-Known Member
yeah mate i have the oder control all in check, however bozo my temps are still high mate they have dropped to 29.8c now
so any other suggestions on what to do?
...i'm on the other side of the pond man and i'm so old i only know fahrenheit so i've no clue what 29.8c is in degrees i'm familiar with, lol.

...and with that being said i run a 600HPS, a motherbox with another 48watts of T5 and a clonebox with 165watts of PLLs all in my bedroom and all vent into that room and the way i deal with the heat is i run an air-conditioner for lights-on during the warm months and i keep a window open during the cooler months, ...i actually had to run about 40feet of extension cord from my kitchen through the wall and into my bedroom so i could run the ac as i couldn't run it on the same circuit without popping a breaker.

...i also run my lights-on at night, partly because it's cooler at night and partly because electricity is cheaper at night due to less demand.

peace, bozo

btw, i've built 3 cabs and each one i needed to enlarge my intakes to make them work so that's something you should also try.
hahaha sorry mate 29c is 84.2f im thinking i may have to cut this other hole dont i?
dam these nosey people i have stressed and stressed over this hole cutting but think im going to have to give in.
bozo have you ever grown white widow x big bud if so was it any good?


Well-Known Member
hahaha sorry mate 29c is 84.2f im thinking i may have to cut this other hole dont i?
dam these nosey people i have stressed and stressed over this hole cutting but think im going to have to give in.
bozo have you ever grown white widow x big bud if so was it any good?
no man, i've never grown that particular cross nor any other white widow or big bud crosses so i can't say one way or another except to say that while buying quality genetics from a trusted breeder is definitely a good idea, it isn't a guarantee of a quality end product and even free bagseed will often produce some amazing plants, some extent every bean is a crapshoot, you just increase your odds with storebought genetics, ...assuming of course they are aquired from a reputable seedbank or dealer. if you already have them and you've already germinated them then go for it but if not i'd recommend you wait and learn your chops on some free beans first.

peace, bozo


Well-Known Member
I made a mistake. If your at 84 and 60% percent humidity add co2 and your fine co2 is better at higher temps as long as your air is constantly enriched when lights are on. With co2 that's actually ideal environment aslongas you have circulatory action