Ventilation help needed asap!!!


New Member
I have a similar setup.... tent in closet off the bedroom. Exhausting through the wall into the next room. I installed a regular $8 vent cover so it looks legit. Easy to do... I used a pocket knife and screwdriver.... although sawing drywall with a pocket knife is a fuckin bitch.


I'm a bit confused about your setup... you said you're pulling air into tent from inside the closet, then exhausting outside closet into the room itself, correct? How much extra room is there in the closet besides the tent? Is this big closet, small tent, both, or what? Unless it's a truly huge closet then it seems likely the 600w is warming up the whole closet, hence you're using hot air to try and cool your light.

If my assumptions are correct, then you gotta get cool air into your hood. Go wherever you got to to get it. I feel you on the stealth thing. If you're in a house with a post and joist foundation (meaning you've got a crawlspace underneath) just cut through the floor and pull your air from under the house. If that's not happening you'll have to go to another room. I've got a similar issue (and a cement slab foundation) so I'm pulling air in from my bathroom. I used a dryer vent cover like this one from home depot and it looks just like any other bathroom vent. You could use something like that or a furnace/ac register. Assuming you're handy, it should fit right in and no one will notice anything special. If you're not handy, go back to buying your weed :)

A Couple Other Things

In your pics I saw a lot of bends in your ducting, especially for such a small space. Get rid of as many of those as possible. It's not always doable, but I've found it's the single best way to increase airflow -- it's better to have a significantly longer straight run than a short run with a 90 degree bend in it.

+1 on the suggestion about isolating your light cooling from your room air exchange. You've got two fans in a tiny closet... you've got plenty of fan to do it. I'd run the big one to cool your light, and the smaller one for air exchange/filter. Of course this means totally tearing up your venting and redoing it, but that's the job...

Don't bother using your clip-on fans for cooling...if you're doing that you've already lost. Use those fans for airflow around your plants to make 'em stronger and prevent mold issues.

Oh yeah, and don't have nosy visitors. Tell 'em to get fucked.



Well-Known Member
I pull in from the room and exhaust into the attic. As short of run of ducting as possible while allowing for some elevation adjustment.

You have to keep those temps in check or things will get nasty in late flowering. It is going to take getting the exhaust air away from the intake air. Place the discharge heat elsewhere, like in the attic.


Only a 140cfm 6" axial fan (ultra quiet) keeps this 600watt cooltube cool to the touch, even with 73* F temp. air at the intake.


thanks guys, im going to cut an intake hole i think! i have the temps at 29c which is okay but i would prefer 27c i will keep you poseted on whats happening
will also rearrange the ducting ect