Ventilation & Exhaust for New 3x7 Room

In a shed outside? Good luck. You'll be chasing your tail most of the time
yeah... exactly what I'm trying to avoid... It's a room in an outside shed that shares a wall with the garage. The grow room in the shed is all framed out and fully insulated. Floor, walls and ceiling all insulated with plywood walls that will get primed before a sheet of white tile board goes over. Aside from trying to insulate the crap out of this I'm considering pre-treating the intake air before it enters the room to help regulate temps/humidity...
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Forget venting, might be ok during spring and fall...Your best bet is to seal it up and run co2 with A/C.
Right on, I'll see how it goes - I kinda felt that I might end up here. Is it best to have the A/C directly blowing in the room or use a lung room and condition the air before it goes into the room?
Right in the room with heat source(s)
Thank you, I'm going to give my original plan a shot with passive intake and see how it goes - If it gets bad I'll most likely need to reduce plants to fit in A/C as a wall unit poses some challenges as I'd probably go with a floor unit... Wall unit might work, it'll have to be up pretty high, I guess with cool air falling that's probably okay?

As for the walls of the room, I was planning on plywood that's primed with a sheet of tile board over that and then mylar... just trying to control moisture as much as possible and I know plywood does hold a decent amount of moisture.