Ventilation clarification.


Well-Known Member
I was wondering if this would work... I have one in-line fan connected to a carbon filter and on the other side, i have a duct connecting to the outside. Then I have another fan on the opposite side blowing air from my room. Would this work out? Could you guys tell me what I'm doing wrong if any, and what I'd need to add? I have a feeling I need to duct the fan somewhere thats blowing air into my box am I correct?


Well-Known Member
How big is your grow area that your venting?
How many CFM's is the blower?
How big is the other fan?
What are your temps?
What's your Humidity?


Well-Known Member
My grow room space is 3 1/3" x 4" x 6" the fan is a 6in 235 CFM I think. and the other fan is the same, should the carbon filter fan that blows outside be a lower CFM? I'm not too sure about the temp but I'm use a 600HPS with a reflector.


Well-Known Member
Your intake blower CFM rating should be lower than your Exhaust blower.
You can adjust the CFM rating on your intake blower by getting a Motor Speed Controler.