Vegging while cleaning grow room


Well-Known Member
Okay ill start with ive recently been infested with gnats and spider mites in the grow room, ive transplanted my plants into sterile soil (washed all the dirt off roots). Im wondering if I can veg my plants by the window for a week while im uninfecting my grow room. its mid/late fall here, theres only about 3hrs of direct sun a day if that, mostly just the dim light from the sun because its being blocked by clouds. will this light veg my plants if i also add extra light ontop of the full days sun worth (in a sterile room of course), or is this light worthless (indirect sunlight).


I wouldn't do it. You are well into the flowering season of marijuanas natural growth cycle if not already past it. The amount of light a day is not enough to keep your plants vegging and they will start to flower, if there is even enough light from your windows to keep them healthy and alive! I would try to get your room cleaned out earlier.....