vegging under led

big bud 56

Active Member
I just bought a 32"x 32" tent for vegging.
I am going to use a 100w led ufo which covers a 4x4 square foot area.
I would like to know if this one lamp is enough for vegging.
I will most likely veg 4 plants at a time.
After they are big enough I will then move them to my flower tent under 400whps.
Will this work for vegging?


Well-Known Member
you would probably get a better response on the led sub forum
ive veg'd under them many time the veg led's with higher blue's an white counts keep the nodes super dense


Well-Known Member
and that 100 w is really like a 85-90 watt they always drive the led's less then what they claim
its really only good for 1 of my auto's i have 2 135w led's
i guess it depends on how long you plan on vegging


Well-Known Member
i use leds for flower and veg and without more info on which led light you have I would say 100 watts is extremely low for a 4x4...where did you get leds? please dont say amazon or ebay

big bud 56

Active Member
Yeah ebay,what do you have against ebay?
my tent is 36"x36" and the 100w is supposed to be good for a 4x4 square foot area so I figure that it should be enough.
I just figured that I would go ahead and use it since it's just laying around not being used.
I plan on vegging for one or two months depending on how fast the plants will grow under that light.
i use leds for flower and veg and without more info on which led light you have I would say 100 watts is extremely low for a 4x4...where did you get leds? please dont say amazon or ebay


Well-Known Member
here are my ladies in veg and flower I have a pro grow 400 (300watts at full spectrum) vegging in a 4x2 space.halloween 010.jpgledDay20flowering 002.jpgledDay20flowering 003.jpgledDay20flowering 005.jpgledDay20flowering 006.jpgledDay20flowering 010.jpg also the ones in flower are in dormgrow 450 ledDay20flowering 007.jpgledDay20flowering 008.jpgledDay20flowering 009.jpg


Well-Known Member
Yeah ebay,what do you have against ebay?
my tent is 36"x36" and the 100w is supposed to be good for a 4x4 square foot area so I figure that it should be enough.
I just figured that I would go ahead and use it since it's just laying around not being used.
I plan on vegging for one or two months depending on how fast the plants will grow under that light.
in that case, hell no, I love ebay. but ebay grow lights are Christmas lights. these things have to be dialed in, spectrumwise not dropped shipped from china. honestly i hope you got the ONE good out there but if you do a little research you will see for yourself what im telling you. good luck to you although the research I've done says otherwise

big bud 56

Active Member
Yeah,I never knew that about led's.
The one I got was a used one but in good condition and it's extremely bright so I am going to go ahead and run it and see what happens.
If it doesn't do that good I can always pull one of my 400w hps lights out of my flower tent and use that.
in that case, hell no, I love ebay. but ebay grow lights are Christmas lights. these things have to be dialed in, spectrumwise not dropped shipped from china. honestly i hope you got the ONE good out there but if you do a little research you will see for yourself what im telling you. good luck to you although the research I've done says otherwise


Well-Known Member
There's no way your UFO covers 4x4. LEDs work great in veg but the one you have won't cover that much space.

big bud 56

Active Member
Do you run led's and if so what are you running?
if not then do you know what you're talking about?
Have you done your homework on the subject?
the light I bought is worth over 300.00 brand new and if you look up the 90 watt ufo's they are rated for 4 square feet of coverage and the one I have is 100 watt.
I am going to go ahead and run it to see what happens.
When I get everything all set up,just ordered the tent so it should be here this week,I will then post some pics with everything running and let you see just how bright it is and it is very bright.
I will keep you posted so if you want to favor this post and tune in later that would be best.
Peace and happy growing.
There's no way your UFO covers 4x4. LEDs work great in veg but the one you have won't cover that much space.


Well-Known Member
Do you run led's and if so what are you running?
if not then do you know what you're talking about?
Have you done your homework on the subject?
the light I bought is worth over 300.00 brand new and if you look up the 90 watt ufo's they are rated for 4 square feet of coverage and the one I have is 100 watt.
I am going to go ahead and run it to see what happens.
When I get everything all set up,just ordered the tent so it should be here this week,I will then post some pics with everything running and let you see just how bright it is and it is very bright.
I will keep you posted so if you want to favor this post and tune in later that would be best.
Peace and happy growing.
honestly he's right. but being that you only running one plant who knows. Im always for experimentation so good luck!