Vegging help


Active Member
what color are those spots? rust color? are you feeding too much nitrogen? could use some info on your growing conditions to better address the issues.


The leaves feel dry and weak, yellowing spots that eventually wilt. Ph is at 6.1 at the moment. Lights are lifted higher than recommended. New leaves come out and they start to yellow.


Active Member
try to water for a few days and bring them back in slowly. You might be too deep and might just have to flush and pray hydro isnt very forgiving.


Active Member
cut your losses and start anew for 2017. Member to always clean down your setup if you plan on restarting. Good Luck


Active Member
Why? Those plants will bounce back just fine.
Why? because its negligible to waste weeks with finicky plants. If he has a mother, he could of had new clones at the stage he is at within a week. Honestly look at the size of the plants, ive seen bigger cuttings clone. Save the strong discard the weak.