Veg to flowering

bud up

My girls are about a foot tall now. My goal is to harvest the plants at about 4 feet tall, but I'm not sure when I should start the flowering stage. I've heard that a plant can double and triple its height when it is introduced to the 12/12 cycle. Is this true?

When should I start the flowering cycle?

Illegal Smile

Triple can happen but is uncommon. Let them go some more if you really want them 4 ft.


Well-Known Member
so you arent gonna top or fim or lst them? i like bushy short plants myself, but anyway if your not going to lst or anything i'd say switch to 12/12 when they are getting close to the 2 ft mark, i'd guess that will be 2-4 weeks away.

Night Claptoman

Well-Known Member
what strain are you growing and what lights are you using?
some indica's that flowered on 1' can get to 1.3' at harvest.
some sativas flowered on 1' can reach 5' at harvest.

thats if your light is close enough to the plants. if not, they strech more.

If your not sure, flower them at 2.5' and train them down when they reach 3.7' or so.

Do you have side lightning to support such high plants?

bud up

I would like to FIM a couple of the plants that are streching faster than the rest. Hopefully this will give the rest of the plants time to catch up in height. I don't have a lot of floor space so I thought it would be best to get my weight in height. I don't want to over crowd them to much. This is my first grow so its kinda been a trial and error experience. I hope to get a half pound at least. got my fingers crossed lol

bud up

what strain are you growing and what lights are you using?
some indica's that flowered on 1' can get to 1.3' at harvest.
some sativas flowered on 1' can reach 5' at harvest.

thats if your light is close enough to the plants. if not, they strech more.

If your not sure, flower them at 2.5' and train them down when they reach 3.7' or so.

Do you have side lightning to support such high plants?
I have a mix of strains. 4 Night shade, 1 Pineapple express, 1 molby dick, and 1 auto flowering kush plant. I'm hoping the auto flowering one will finish sooner than the rest to allow more room.

I have a 600 watt light that is ran at 75 % power most of the time, but I plan to crank the power up as the height come in to play.

Night Claptoman

Well-Known Member
I have no clue about your strains habbits.
But with a single 600w you want plants around 3' feet tall. a 600W is effective for around 1 meter from the light. you have 15-30cm distance from the light to the canopy which gives you 70-85cm of usable light.
If you'll grow em taller you would just need to cut the lower branches away and the leaves will fall by them selves. waste of time.

Auto kush is a really fast maturing plant. from what I recall your other strains are around 10-12 weeks to finish, which is about twice what the auto kush needs.