Veg Indoor & Bloom Outdoor in SoCal?


Active Member i've got all of these clones i took from my mother diamond og and I'm wondering how well they would flower during December/January outside.

as you can see i'm vegging and was only considering flowering outside to help reduce my electrical bill. Will the natural sun in Dec/January produce bud as good as it would under a 1000W HPS?



Well-Known Member
i dont know for a 100% certainty but indoor you have controll, always sunny never a rainy day and theres no bugs. indoor you do have space limitations though so yeild will suffer.

Outdoors they will get less intense sun and i would imagine the quality of the buds might diminsh as far as how dense they are but you can always veg the shit out of them in the tent and put outside, this will allow you to grow bigger plants (dont need as much room in veg as you do flower) and probabally increase your yeild.

so to answer your question, yes as long as it dosent get cold enough for the entire root zone to freeze and they dont get hit by numerous frosts ( 1 or 2 frosts wont kill them, i live up north and have watched my girls get hit by 3-4 frosts and kept on ticking....bud rot did get me though due to the moisture and not enough sun/heat to dry them out fully by the end of the day) they should stay alive.

hope this helps :)
as long as there is under a certain amount of daylight hours they sure as shit will flower....
that is obvious, have you ever seen a plant re-veg outside? I have, and it happens when spring starts. If you put a plant out in December or January it will start flowering, and then go back into vegetative growth when there are more hours of sunlight in the early spring.

Also, the sun is WAY more powerful then any lighting that you can set up outdoors. You can test this by using a light meter to check for yourself. If you have grown outdoors, then you should know this, and the most dense and powerful cannabis is grown under the full sun at the right time of year.

If you dont know about the growing seasons, try doing research on the farmers alminac website That was a major resource when I had my first season outdoors many years ago.


Active Member
My plan would be to veg the crap out of them and put all but one outside. Then I'll continue to keep one vegging in the tent as my new mommy. Which ever seems the most robust and healthily I'll keep vegging- this is good strain so I'll need a supply of clones for full veg/flower run b4 spring or just wait to do outdoor in late April after the last rain


Well-Known Member
you could get them to flower in so cal, just might want to bring them in at night or find a way to keep the roots from getting too cold or having to much temp flux, it'll stunt growth. its pretty late in the season tho