Veg Box


Well-Known Member
So I just picked up all of my materials:-o, i'm building 2 seperate boxes(each for veg). They are old speakers about 2.5 ft tall, 1.5 feet wide and 1 foot deep. Im planning to veg 4 plants in each and then put them outside when the time is right. I picked up 4 6500k 26watt cfls and 2 2700k 26watt cfls for each box. Each box puts out just under 10,000 lumens. 2 80mm outtake fans and a passive intake. Painting the inside matte white. Any ideas for soil? Input will be greatly considered. Thanks!


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't get the Fox Farm Ocean Forest cause I was going to get some a little after that BP fuck up in the Gulf and I saw a couple of people I knew who are also in the business at the store telling me not to get it cause it would have oil in it. Now I'm not to sure if that's true or not but I didn't take chances so I went with Foxfarm Happy Frog stuff with some Purple Sour D and I got some great results both flowering and vegging. That crop is my avatar pic actually. There is also Black Gold which I used for years and swore by. If you take that route get the orchid blend. That's what they sell at the clubs but I've seen it in other hardware stores. Another good soil that I have heard some awesome things about is Medicine Man. Ive never used it so I couldn't tell you first hand but my buddy did and he got quite a harvest. There are many different types of soil out there and the best way I've learned is by experimenting with different types. Anyway I hope this helps. Happy Growing my friend. Peace.:peace:


Well-Known Member
Thanks man thats some good advice! After a little research, I think ill be going with the Happy Frog in 6in pots. Do you think i will be able to keep them in 6in pots until they are ready to go outside? I'm planning to keep them in the box for about a month or so. Or do you think I will need a transplant? Thanks


Well-Known Member
If your putting them outside in a month then i would definetly transplant. I actually did the same thing last year and wouund up putting them into five gallon pots. I also got two harvests from the outdoor season but that was only because I altered the light schedule and moved em to a completly dark spot at about 7:30pm in summer time. I would leave em in the 6 inchers until your ready to put em outside then get some bigger pots to put em in.


Well-Known Member
hahaha I worded it wrong. I was talking about doing a transplant while their still in the boxes. But once I put them outside they are going to be placed in a hole with additional soil and nutes. I used 5gal buckets last year and I feel it wasnt quite big enough, so this year i'm putting them straight into the ground