Veg as long as you want?


Active Member
Everyone is telling me "you can veg as long as you want" does that mean I control when the plant tranfers to the flowering stage?? If not what does?? And if I do control it how?? Longer veg = bigger yield right. By the way I am using a hydro system if that has any factor.



Well-Known Member
yes you control when the plant goes into flowering. I'm not sure if you should be doing a hydroponics system yet if you havn't figured out the life cycle of the plant your growing but i guess to each their own. A plant will stay in vegitative state for as long as it get more then 12 hours of light and less then 12 hours of darkness. most people keep their plants in 18 hours of light 6 hours of darkness durring veg some do a straight 24 hours of light no dark. When your ready to flower your plant you switch the cycle to 12 hours on 12 hours off and it will start flowering. if you have problems with this try 11 hours of light 13 hours of darkness. Now yes, while using a hydroponics system you will have a greater yield ( if you do it correctly !! ) but i have grown in soil and soiless mediums befor and I have found its easyer to start with soil because its more forgiving to mistakes but thats for another time . Now to answer the other part of your question the longer you veg the more budding sites will be available which translates to more budd for you

Brick Top

New Member
Everyone is telling me "you can veg as long as you want" does that mean I control when the plant tranfers to the flowering stage?? If not what does?? And if I do control it how?? Longer veg = bigger yield right. By the way I am using a hydro system if that has any factor.


You can veg as long as you want as long as you have space for your plants and space for your roots to keep growing.

While in an 18/6 light cycle your plants will remain in veg and when you cut the light cycle down to 12/12 the plants will sense it and then release a hormone and that will cause them to begin to flower. Until you change your light cycle they cannot and will not flower.

Ok so you say oh boy, I can grow Sequoia sized plants and harvest a ton per plant but then you have to keep in mind will they be able to handle the weight of so many buds and will you have to stake them up and run supports to most or all branches to keep them from breaking and then losing the plants production from any branches, or even the main stem, if it/they break.

You can also grow such monsters that they grow into each other and cut light penetration and you lose production of your lower portions of your plants and that cuts your overall yield. You will not make up for it in massive top colas because they do not grow in veg and only in the flowering cycle and that will remain the same time-wise so did you gain or lose by growing "Refrigerator Perry" sized plants before throwing them into flower?

Maybe what will be the middle of your gigantic plants will produce an equal amount to what the bottoms of your smaller sized plants would have grown and you break even but then you just waited longer to be able to throw them into flower and longer overall time to harvest to end up with roughly the same yield.

You can reach a point of diminishing returns if you veg really long unless you have a tone of space and a ton of lighting and are willing and able to deal with all that the larger plants will require to remain healthy and strong. It also costs you more because you burn more electricity and use more nutes because of the overall longer growing time.

Coded into a plant’s genetics are time frames and signals/triggers that are in reality based in nature and not in artificial indoor growing conditions. They are intended to achieve a rough certain size and shape in average to good conditions and that is all. When you alter that, when you take them past that they are not really genetically made for it and that means you can create problems. Not that you cannot overcome most or all the problems, depending on your setup and skill, but it will mean you have to do things you otherwise would not have had to have done or do it way more than you otherwise would have had to have done it.

Look at topping a plant. You get 2 to 4 top colas, and I have heard a few cases of people getting more especially if they top several times, and you get a massive bush with tons of branches and top colas. But even though when you top your lower plant will grow thicker stronger branches and central stem below where you topped them what grows above where you top will grow naturally according to its genetic code. I have seen topped plants split the main stem where they were topped and split off because the grower didn’t support the plant were it needed to be supported before it got heavy enough to split. So sure the person has the chance to get a major yield but he has also created a risk situation where in most cases steps need to be taken in advance to head off a problem that you create by topping and if you don’t you lose what additional yield you would have gotten so what was really gained if that is what happens because you do not head the problem you created off at the pass?

As much as some love to experiment and we all dream of that Christmas tree sized plant that yields ten pounds myself I believe the best thing to do is research your genetics/your strain/your plant and find out what it’s normal average height is and then try to grow it so it ends up at least somewhere close to that and live with it instead of trying to make it something its genetics never intended it to be.

But that is just my opinion and nothing more.

Bubba Kushman

Well-Known Member
You determine when to stop vegging by the space you have to grow in. Your plants will at least double in size before they finish flowering sometimes more if you grow in hydro. You get a bigger yield with a bigger plant but it neeeds room to finish properly. Dont overgrow your space and you will be fine.
Until you change your light cycle they cannot and will not flower.

I have to disagree there buddy.Plants kept in veg stage too long will flower themselves.They have threads on here saying a guys mother plants began budding after 6 months of veg time.So your plants will flower themselves if they are mature enough.