

Active Member
My suggestion is save up for one, whenever you have some spare cash throw it in a jar, maybe instead of going to a movie or dinner stay in one night and save that money, then from here you have quite a few options, just matters how long you want to save, you could be a champ and make it till you have enough for a volcano, the new zypher or something is legit as well for a little less, in my eyes the cheapest vaporizer worth buying would be the hot box starting around 150-160, but a lot of people they don't work well for, especially if you plan on using it in a party situation, because the hose can be a bitch, but I love my hot box it works so well for me, and a small group of friends


Well-Known Member

I've got over a dozen vaporizers, I fall back on my Volcano every time - I love the ease and consistency of the bag style vape. Herbilaire has a great one for around $190, but that's double your budget. I don't know of a bag style under $100, this one is worth the extra cash.


The Launch Box by Magic Flight for $99 and gives Volcano size hits. Great portable vape and Magic Flight has been working on an A/C adapter for home use.


The Silver Surfer is a great direct draw vape for $170:


These inexpensive ($60) direct draw vapes are a great value (probably still more than they're worth) but you have to be aware of possible quality problems with unknown manufacturers.




Well-Known Member
I first purchased a cheapo ebay vape and although it broke quickly, it did prove the worth of vape-ing to me....I then bought a magic flight launch box ($99) and a hot-box ($150)....the MF has become my fav as I can do it anywhere with only a battery. When I have someone over, I usually turn on the hot box which is a great intro vaporizer.
I have found that my usage has gone down by 60-70% because of the efficiency of a vape and I prefer the high off vapes too.....
I say get a magic flight launch box while saving for something else....but you may find the launch box will be hard to push out of the way!


Well-Known Member
herbalaires ar ethe shit . . . but as someone said above thats double your budget . . .

as far as vapes go, you're gonna get medeocre quality with anything below 200 bucks. 250 rather.

however, I favor bag vapes a lot, so my opinion is biased towards bag vapes. if you prefer whip vapes you can get a nice quality one for 100-150.


Active Member
I was checking out the magic flight just a few minutes ago on some site, and I really liked how it looked and how well it seemed to work, could be my next buy


Well-Known Member

jhopkins the Magic Flight Launch Box gaurantee is fantastic - replacement if the box doesn't work for any reason, even operator misuse. You can drop the thing off a bridge, dive in and get it, and you can use it as soon as you shake the water off. Much more durable than I thought.

Like poplars said though, the Herbalaire will give you the best experience in the under $200 price range. Personal preference, a lot of people love the direct draw like the Hot Box or the Silver Surfer.

You can save your dregs and extract the resin to make brownies. It takes me about a cup of dregs (28 grams) to make one tray of knock out brownies (one run on the Volcano, 205C).




Active Member
Hobbes can you tell me your process or direct me to somewhere that shows how to turn vape dregs into yummy edibles, I have a hot box and have been saving up my dregs cause I've been looking for things to do with them, and so far have had little success, but I'm always up for trying more


Well-Known Member

J you can do it in one of two ways - butter or honey oil. To make butter use whatever method you'd like but it absolutely must be done outside, stinks. After making the butter refine it using the method below. You can also use that method to make the butter, just throw a 1/3 cup of butter in a large pot of boiling water with 28 grams of dreg flower.


If you've never made honey oil skip this one.

You can extract the resin using butane, Iso alcohol, a petroleum ether - whatever solvent you have experience with. I use a butane extraction and there is no hint of dregs in the honey oil after curing. This is a one hour from dregs to eating a brownie method, but dangerous because the solvents are flammable and explosive.

Once you've made your honey oil and evaporate the butane in a tub of hot water, outdoors, pop the pyrex tray of honey oil in the oven with a 1/3 cup of olive oil in a pyrex measuring cup, let heat until your oven reaches 300 F. Use an oven thermometer, don't rely on the oven dial. Take both out of the oven, pour 1/4 cup of oil into the honey oil tray and rub the bottom of a fork over the Honey Oil to mix it into the olive oil. After pouring the olive/honey oil mixture from the pyrex tray, pour in the remaining oil and mix with fork to get remaining honey oil. A plastic bank card works great to squeegee the last of the olive oil from the tray. Takes just minutes, you can make potent tincture this way as well.

I give brownies to a friend, he split one with another friend to go see Avatar. 1/2 of one of these brownies puts them out in never never land for the whole movie and two hours afterwards - my buddy said that his friend needed help getting into his car after the movie. The most potent brownies you can make with a given amount of dregs, and tastes great. Last month I cut the brownie in 4 pieces before giving it to him, he says that's perfect for a night. So 4 x 9 = 36 hits for a tray of brownies for someone with little tolerance build up.




Active Member
just bought the NO2, ihave been saving up for it before it was released and just ordered it today. it looks sick and i can't wait to try it - i got mine on as they seem to be the only site that has it in stock....only $180 shipped....