Vanderlife ????? 600w actually draws 105-110w ... I need to know?????


Well-Known Member
I need to know if anybody's had experience with vanderlife lights and if these two so-called 600-watt lights are sufficient for my 2x4x5
Hi, merry xmas.

If the light is pulling only 110w from the wall its gonna be less than optimal in your space....General rule of thumb for leds is 30watts per ft2 of top tier leds, 50+ watts per ft2 of older school tech like you have.

So it will def grow some bud for you, but as im sure you know, theres obv better options for your space that would really crush it.


Well-Known Member
But I'm in a2x3x5 so its enough for me I think I'd,need,minimum 180-200 watts for this space so the 245+ whatever percent does me well. I talked to a guy on here and he bough 4 of the lights I have for his 8x8 and they are insane.


Well-Known Member
Yessir. I looked for,hours before I bought it and seemed the most bang for so little buck. And it works great for me. Has 4 fans. 2 in 2 out. Actually well built not cheap plastic. Does not get hot . I hardly vent and it does not get over 82 ish in there. And have had no differnce in my electric bill


Well-Known Member
Check out the quantum boards from HLG, or the strip builds. I’ve used the blurples, and now I have quantum boards, they are well worth the price, every penny.
The blurples will grow weed, but nothing like the Samsung diodes.


Well-Known Member

if you must go chinese: