valueline 6' inline fan


Well-Known Member
i bought the fan and i use it with 4 1000's and it works great..i keep it running 24-7 and it is great super quiet.. valueline is the shit


Well-Known Member
how quiet is "super quiet"? I have two S&P mixvents that are pretty good, but I'm needing another fan. The S&P's are AWESOME but if I can get a fan of about the same quality/quietness then I would much rather spend 1/2 the money! THANKS!


Well-Known Member
well it does make some noise i have to say it is quiteer than my vortex fan but i believe most of the noise is due to air movement however there will be a noticable noise however i dont have a s and p fan to compare to


Well-Known Member
I have the valuline 6' and a Tjernlund 6' model # M-6 . The Tjernlund has 530 cfm compared to 435 cfm for the Valuline. You can definitly tell the difference. Also, The fan itself is nearly silent. The sound of the air wooshing can be a little loud though. If need be, you can always put a speed controller on it. You can email the Tjernlund CO. with a comparable fan,(valuline 6') and they will match the price shipped. And no I'm not affilated with the company. Just a satisfied costomer. You can pick up a speed controler at for $20. Same unit the shops sell for much more.


Well-Known Member
My valuline is the noisiest of 3 brands of 6" fans I run. The Vortex is close, but moves quiet a bit more air. Great price, though.


Well-Known Member
would it work in my setup here, having trouble w/ducting
I would think so. Run the inline fan up in the attic hung with bungees. Use the 6' ducting starting at the scrubber, threw the reflector and up to the cealing. Use the 4' reducer threw the cealing to the fan. You can use two more reducers on the 6' fan or just go with a 4' fan. I Think a better way to do it would be, Run an additional fan with a speed controler, that only pulls threw the scrubber. You would probably have alot more control over your temps that way.