Validity of God. Atheist Christian Sandwich Talk


Active Member
Note: this is a spiritual debate and is not intended for children or of like mind.

Respect Respect Respect.
Serious religious debate only. If it's posted here, it is a serious question that is on someones mind.
No bashing!
Please note that it is a crime to falsify information on religions or organizations. Know your facts before you state them!

On the topic and idea of religion:

Religion is a very broad field.
It is impossible to accurately predict the number of religions individuals obtain. There are many small, isolated religions in certain parts of the world. Groups living in areas that hinder communication and interaction often tend to be small..thus preventing diffusion from occurring.

It should also be noted that in the "Humanist" philosophy, each persons religious theology is unique, therefore the answer would be equal to the current population of the Earth.

So to simply say that he who believe in God is stupid or of low intelligence is a vain comment because a person can simply turn that back around on you and say what you believe in has no more validity than my argument.

I think most Christians DO answer that question. They usually tell you the story of how their life was BEFORE they found Christ. Many people are Christians because of bad life decisions and Christians that saved them from that life.

Perhaps you could list some things that Christianity has done in the recent years to validate your claims. Since you have not done that I assume you would like to know some of the positive things Christians are doing for humanity.

Church Humanitarian Aid, Japanese Church Members Helping People Suffering From Disaster
Fighting hunger makes economic and political sense, Christian activist says


Why do you require a GOD to do all those things when YOU are capable of these choices?
The one thing GOD can not do is force you to make good decisions. If God forces us to make only the right decisions then we are no longer free.
What if the Government was to pass a new law taking away all forms of free agency but the result would be peace in our country....would you fight or go along?

The only answer that is a TRUE answer is that God has said
"I am a jealous God" God has said simply that he requires our devotion and love. Do we not expect devotion from our wife? Do we not expect respect from our children. Just as we create life and expect that life to respect us, so does God.
And why not? What will it profit a man if he gains the whole earth and looses his own soul to idol worship?


If we should labor all our days in preaching Christ and save just one soul, how great will our joy be with that person in the kingdom of God.


Green Inferno

Active Member
Note: this is a spiritual debate and is not intended for children or of like mind.

Respect Respect Respect.
Serious religious debate only. If it's posted here, it is a serious question that is on someones mind.
No bashing!
Please note that it is a crime to falsify information on religions or organizations. Know your facts before you state them!
No children? Have you seen your own posts?

Calling names and such.


Well-Known Member
Why do you consistently want people to respect something that has given so very little respect to other's throughout the course of history? Why? What knowledge do you posses to keep your (mutilated) outdated harm-filled faith persistent? With all the death and destruction in the world do you believe that were being punished for our incompetence/heresy?


Well-Known Member
Why would an almighty being who is supposidly all wise, knowing and powerful need or even demand worship? If this supposidly perfect being has an ego doesnt that make them inherently imperfect? As such is it not more likely that such a possible Being's message (if there is one)has been misinterpreted by the few to hold power over the many? If such a being were to exist, as religion claims. And should God not just be whatever the individual holds in their heart to ultimately be true, with no one human interpretation possible to be ultimately correct simply by the limitations of our human brain and understanding? And is claiming God is one thing or another not an insult to a theoretical being that we can never understand?

Agnostic by the way, Iv come to accept I can never understand it, so Ill just try live my life the best I can, and if there is something after, Ill cross that bridge when I come to it.

Green Inferno

Active Member
According to the teachings of the church, you are either with "god", or against "god". To be "with" him, you have to blindly
follow the teachings of the church. Without question. If you don't, you're doing the work of Satan. Thus, you're going to hell.
Right? Right. Now, in this hell, you are punished and tortured for eternity. That is a long time! What I can't wrap my mind around,
why is Satan "punishing" you for doing his work? Wouldn't he "reward" you?

And, if this Christian god is all knowing and all powerful, creator of all, why did he have to send his only son to earth to be killed
just for us to believe in him, so we can enter the kingdom of heaven? If he is such a loving god, can't he just let us in, because
we're all his children? Why does someone have to die a brutal death on a cross? I'll take my chances on Satan. And by doing that,
I am just thinking for myself and refuse to believe in 2000 year old fairy tales of talking snakes and trees of knowledge we're not
supposed to eat from.

I will not accept "because that's what the bible says" as an argument. The only thing that says the bible is true, is the bible. Man
wrote the bible. Man has also changed the bible to coincide with his agenda. Didn't the holy Roman empire force Christianity unto
people? Yes they did. You would have been killed if you didn't comply. The Roman Empire is best known for doing what? Trying to
take over the world. They used Christianity to do it. Congrats to them for pretty much doing it. But at the cost of what? Thousands
of years of ignorance, suppression, violence, and freedom.

Green Inferno

Active Member
Why would an almighty being who is supposidly all wise, knowing and powerful need or even demand worship? If this supposidly perfect being has an ego doesnt that make them inherently imperfect? As such is it not more likely that such a possible Being's message (if there is one)has been misinterpreted by the few to hold power over the many? If such a being were to exist, as religion claims. And should God not just be whatever the individual holds in their heart to ultimately be true, with no one human interpretation possible to be ultimately correct simply by the limitations of our human brain and understanding? And is claiming God is one thing or another not an insult to a theoretical being that we can never understand?

Agnostic by the way, Iv come to accept I can never understand it, so Ill just try live my life the best I can, and if there is something after, Ill cross that bridge when I come to it.
Apparently this guy has like 10 (maybe more, I got bored looking for them) threads crying about atheists. I guess he needs someone to
cry about and to put down to make himself look better. I give up trying to point out his hypocrisy. He will live a very stressful life always
worrying what everyone is doing instead of worrying about what is going on in his own life.


Well-Known Member
"Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then is he not omnipotent.
Is he able, but not willing? Then is he malevolent.
Is he both able and willing? Whence then is evil?
Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?" - Unknown (probably Epicurus)


Well-Known Member
I can understand believing in god, I'm ok with that. But why worship? You're going to die and how you live your life determines your eternal fate, why do you have to kiss ass also?


Well-Known Member
It is not a debate, religion is just a lie, just like the war on drugs.
This is very true. Sometimes religion is a lie that is told to others to gain power, money, or some other advantage, but most often it is a lie we tell ourselves. Rationalization of an event we feel we have no control over. Life is mysterious and death is frightening; religion offers a way to pretend we understand both. Faith gives us an excuse to dismiss questions we have no answers to.


Well-Known Member
Religious freedom protects the workers right to believe as he wishes, it does not give him an excuse to oppress others for not sharing the belief.
They also have the freedom to choose a different job that doesn't require them to perform duties that conflict with their beliefs. They don't own the job they work at so there are no rights begin violated. They cannot get a job at an obstetrics clinic and exempt themselves from abortions based on their religious beliefs either.


Active Member
It does when they start to push personal beliefs onto others.
and those people are wrong, be they christian, muslim, atheist or agnostic. you're absolutely correct. I don't know about anyone else in here but i have never once had a christian come up to me and force their beliefs onto me.


Well-Known Member
and those people are wrong, be they christian, muslim, atheist or agnostic. you're absolutely correct. I don't know about anyone else in here but i have never once had a christian come up to me and force their beliefs onto me.
Umm, Westboro Babtist church is a pretty good example of religious nutcases that are christian.


Active Member
Umm, Westboro Babtist church is a pretty good example of religious nutcases that are christian.
I'm just stating that it's never happened to me. I didn't need an example of who does it, because I know it happens. It's just kind of shocking that it happens to anyone on a consistent enough basis to come onto a forum and complain about it. I only get Jehova's witnesses knocking on my door maybe 4-6 months? And even then if you tell them they're not interested they usually take the cue and kindly fuck off.


Well-Known Member
I'm just stating that it's never happened to me. I didn't need an example of who does it, because I know it happens. It's just kind of shocking that it happens to anyone on a consistent enough basis to come onto a forum and complain about it. I only get Jehova's witnesses knocking on my door maybe 4-6 months? And even then if you tell them they're not interested they usually take the cue and kindly fuck off.
Ahh, gotcha. I've run into my fair share of pamphlet pushers of many religions.

When I was younger I remember nuns trying to hand out bibles outside of the public schools.


Active Member
Ahh, gotcha. I've run into my fair share of pamphlet pushers of many religions.

When I was younger I remember nuns trying to hand out bibles outside of the public schools.
Yeah, my mother experienced that. While i find it unfortunate that young people aren't taught very thoroughly about religion from a young age (Considering i think every person should be taught about religion just so that they KNOW about religion and don't just blindly hate it and speak down to those who do believe because they were never taught to) I don't think it's right to throw bibles at kids walking out of highschool. What did these nuns do when they saw an Indian child? Turn their head? Haha.