Utilizing fish pond for indoor grow


ok, so let me make sure i have this right....

container with pea gravel
water being pumped into container 24/7
returning to pond waterfall style for aeration

to start, floro lighting on 24/7? or 18/6? i seem to find conflicting info on lighting times
I personally would have something like 15/45sec or 1/3or4 min on off cycle. for the water. Not not full time.
Best o luck with your plans :)


Well-Known Member
If you set it up right, you could grow a damn tree in there.... Would get expensive changing out the nutes and all, but man it would yield!!!! You would get lbs.. not oz's... LOL!!
youtube will teach you everything aqua-ponics
problem is, i see some conflicting info here or there, and not quite sure how to adapt MJ to it.

guess some of it is going to be trial and error. Bet ill be burning through alot of bag seed at first.

i decided to change flodding to 30mins on and 90mins off.

captain insaneo

Well-Known Member
the guys down at san diego hydro's lakeside location was building an aquaponic system. but he wants to grow tomatoes, cilantro, and cabbage using tilapia he called it TACOponics! I want to do one of these when i move to a bigger place.

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
more gr8 video that explain more

the last two are awsome (single barral)
so its just a flood and drain system with fish in the rez - dont over think it
more gr8 video that explain more

the last two are awsome (single barral)
so its just a flood and drain system with fish in the rez - dont over think it
really dude, much appreciated. I made this as simple as possible. like you just said, just the res (pond) going to a container with nothing more than an aquarium pump and piece of hose.

so far i must be doing something right. with experiment #1 i got about 15 seeds taking root in the gravel, and 3 of which have already sprouted their first set of tiny leaves. As opposed to only 1 of 9 sprouting from soil.

so step one so far i got down. next is working out the light times and what kind to buy within the next 2 weeks or so, when its time to change
plants have taken root fairly well, and have had floros on 24/7 up until now.

i just purchased a 400w HPS, so should i continue with the 24/7 or change times now?
Post some pics on how your doing this. I'm a little confused.
its fairly simple. no pics, so ill try to explain

1. water is pumped up from my pond into a grow bed. The waste created by my fish acts as a natural fertilizer for the plants, without needing to add any other nutes.

2. water flows back into the pond by gravity like a waterfall, adding some extra aeration to the pond as well/
So any updates on your plants? Im curious to see your progress with pix as well. I have a hydro/bubbler setup at the moment but plan on playing with aquaponics here soon.
So any updates on your plants? Im curious to see your progress with pix as well. I have a hydro/bubbler setup at the moment but plan on playing with aquaponics here soon.
their growing, however extremely slowly. they have a few sets of leaves, but arent more than 2-3" high still.

400w HPS on 18 hours a day, water pumped 30min on 30min off.

thinking the pond may need more stocking, to add more nutes maybe...
If the plants are slow growing then I would have to assume that you need more fish stocked in the tank. I been seeing some aquaponic setups stocking upwards of half a lbs for every gallon of water. Or maybe your filter is cleaning out too much of the "good" bacteria.


Active Member
This is a great idea Ive seen a show on this before however keep in mind water weighs 8 pounds per gallon your having to support 7200 pounds on a 900 gallon resevoir


Active Member
You need to google aquaponics

You can set up a an ebb and flow or nft system and the plants basically use the fish waste instead of fertilizer, which also cleans the water and let's you have much bigger populations of fish than you could have otherwise.
