Utah Woman Charged With Lewdness After Being Topless In Her Own Home

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
and just exactly what the fuck do you mean, everyone who thinks like me? teenage boys aren't constantly horny? they aren't full of testosterone? it would be a nice world if everyone could walk around in whatever state of dress they felt comfortable with, but it just don't work that way, because we are what we are, and have not evolved to that stage as a race yet....sorry to hold you evolved few back, i'm sure you have a lot to do, talking down to the rest of us.

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
and just exactly what the fuck do you mean, everyone who thinks like me? teenage boys aren't constantly horny? they aren't full of testosterone? it would be a nice world if everyone could walk around in whatever state of dress they felt comfortable with, but it just don't work that way, because we are what we are, and have not evolved to that stage as a race yet....sorry to hold you evolved few back, i'm sure you have a lot to do, talking down to the rest of us.
I wasn’t talking down actually. I was pointing out that you are the issue that’s all. You have related breasts to sex. Now it was you that said the boys will get all worked up. Is it because of the breast or what you/prudish people have related them to? If you feel that it should be taken as a normal thing, showing breasts in public you should say that, but you said it’s wrong. I disagree. Don’t get angry, it’s not good for you lol.

f series

Well-Known Member
I wasn’t talking down actually. I was pointing out that you are the issue that’s all. You have related breasts to sex. Now it was you that said the boys will get all worked up. Is it because of the breast or what you/prudish people have related them to? If you feel that it should be taken as a normal thing, showing breasts in public you should say that, but you said it’s wrong. I disagree. Don’t get angry, it’s not good for you lol.
Do you show off your wife's tits to your friends?
Would you be mad if she decided she wants to show your friends her tits?
If you don't have a wife, then hypothetically.

@Fogdog you too


Well-Known Member
You’re too dumb to get it, big surprise

If your wife decided she wanted to do that, what could you do to stop her
He's a Trumper and has no morals, he's OK with "grab them by the pussy" after all and supports a traitor, a rapist and pedophile. Asking this clown a moral question is like asking a dog to do calculus, he doesn't have the brain parts.

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
Do you show off your wife's tits to your friends?
Would you be mad if she decided she wants to show your friends her tits?
If you don't have a wife, then hypothetically.

@Fogdog you too
No I don’t show off my girlfriends “tits”, but she is more than welcome to if she wants. It would actually make me feel quite proud of her to do that and basically say “fuck you, I’ll take my top off if I want”. I get the stigma attached to breasts but that does not mean I have to agree with it. If women were allowed/encouraged to remove their tops then there would be nothing to talk about. It would be normal.


Well-Known Member
Lmao many countries show breasts on TV commercials because they aren't a sexual organ, they are a food source. Yes some american boys are taught from an early age that breasts are sexual. American society goes out of its way to sexualize breasts, and treat women as objects rather then normalizing the human body.

I read the news article about this whole thing. It seems very clear that the children's mother is reporting something that happened nearly 2 years earlier out of spite towards the step mother.

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
I don't understand what the fuss is over. People keep saying it was bad but can give no objective reason for it. There are topless beaches where women are topless. Are kids damaged if they go to that beach? Explain what harm was done that justifies the state making charges on that woman.
Actually they have given reasons why it’s. Control, would I like it if my wife did it. Boys will be unable to control their sexual urges. Only strippers should bare their breast in a public setting, to name a few.

f series

Well-Known Member
You’re too dumb to get it, big surprise

If your wife decided she wanted to do that, what could you do to stop her
There's nothing you could do other than leave her or deal. I just wanna see how many of you are voluntary cucks

f series

Well-Known Member
No I don’t show off my girlfriends “tits”, but she is more than welcome to if she wants. It would actually make me feel quite proud of her to do that and basically say “fuck you, I’ll take my top off if I want”. I get the stigma attached to breasts but that does not mean I have to agree with it. If women were allowed/encouraged to remove their tops then there would be nothing to talk about. It would be normal.

PJ Diaz

Well-Known Member
I don't understand what the fuss is over. People keep saying it was bad but can give no objective reason for it. There are topless beaches where women are topless. Are kids damaged if they go to that beach? Explain what harm was done that justifies the state making charges on that woman.
On California State beaches it's official policy to not take action to women being topless unless there is a specific public complaint. Even then they just ask women to put their tops on before citing them.