Shipping via USPS is safe if done properly. Shipping via FedEx/UPS/other isn't safe. You still gotta trust the person on the other end, though
That isn't necessarily correct. I run a very profitable business on the dark net and usps packages either
1. Get lost because the postal service are complete morons
2. The postal inspector gets suspicious and checks your package.
Now fed ex and ups are more money to ship but you're less likely to have a package seized . On the flip side of that , UPS does have k9 dogs check certain hubs at random.
I do agree 110% with your comment about trusting the shipper on the other end.
To the gentlemen saying "they can't search packages without a warrant" lol
"Probable cause" since 9/11 the United states postal inspector can and will search any package they feel may be suspicious. Suspicious - if it has any funny marks , grease stains from sitting on a dirty counter top , excessive tape ...... I can go on and on. ...
How do I know this ? I know a guy that knows a guy. I can submit proof of the handbook and what they areally trained to look for .
As I stated above , I run a very profitable business online and deal with this stuff on a daily basis.