Using the top as a clone

Its Great

Active Member
a minute ago a question arose in my head: if the top were removed from a decent sized plant and replanted as one would a clone, is the resultant plant going to possess the same qualities that the top would have had if it would have been left on the plant?

What i mean is, since the top flowers on a cannabis plant are the largest, densest ones, would a cloned "top" cutting, kept short, turn out the top cola bud that it would have been if left undisturbed? or would it be nothing better than a clone taken from say, a side branch of the plant?


Its Great

Active Member
I top my plants if they get too tall for my space. If you have the space and the right lighting then let em grow bro.
Don't think you got my question bro, i know what topping's for and I don't have the need to do it, I'm talking about replanting the tops that you remove if you decide to top a plant.


Well-Known Member
here is the deal, yes you can clone from the tops, many people do this. no it is not any better that a clone from a side branch, it may have more dense nodes but those will stretch eventually(even though these are desirable). if you take darn near any clone 6-8 inches tall or so and lollipop it then flower it, you will have the 1 nug cola you are looking for. just think about why the top cola might be the biggest and it should all make sense. keep in mind clones dont consciously know what part of the plant they are cut from, but not all clones are created equal. stronger branches make stronger clones, and the top is the strongest.