Using Calcium Chloride to quick dry bud


Well-Known Member
Has anyone ever heard of this? It seems logical if it absorbs moisture that it would aid in the drying process. I bought some "DampRid" from my local Lowes. I am going to give it a try. I was just wondering if I am the only one who ever had this hypothesis or theory and actually tried it.


Well-Known Member
I am not going to dry the entire crop or anything. This is just an experiment. Drying quickly with heat makes very harsh. I am not using heat just dry environment quick absorption. I am just curious if anyone else has tried this.


Well-Known Member
if u use them right it is so so nice. what you have to do is dry and cure your bud to the point were it is smokabel. after that comes the continuous curing proccess were instead of opening the jar or container its in a few times a day you do it maybe once a day or once every 2 days. this is for people that have like a half oz bud they want to save for optimum smokage.
anyway, after you dry it out regular and its smokabel you put it in the jar with some of those tabs. this wont quick dry your buds but it will take the overall curing time down by at least 50%.

"quick dry" is not a good idea. like he said. quick dry = harsh taste. the best way to dry budd fast is to hang it in a well vented area for a few days with fans on it. after they get crispy take them down and put them in a jar for about a week. like i said befor open it every few hours to release moisture. also make sure to use a container bigger than what you need. this is probly the best "quick dry" and cure you can do with it not being harsh as tire fire.