Using buffers to regulate pH.


Well-Known Member
So I learned in CHM class today that you can use chemical buffers to maintain a constant pH of your choosing. So my thinking is could you use a green friendly buffer to keep your ganja constant pH?


Well-Known Member
So I learned in CHM class today that you can use chemical buffers to maintain a constant pH of your choosing. So my thinking is could you use a green friendly buffer to keep your ganja constant pH?
When you add acid to your water you are creating a small buffer. I have found that with hard water there is so much calcium carbonate that it just keeps reacting with the phosphoric acid to produce calcium phosphate which precipitates out of the water and the PH rises again. This can go on for a while making that water a real bitch to work with.

Aside from that, PH shouldn't fluctuate too much as I don't think the plant changes the PH of the solution so there isn't any need for a buffer.

If you do start with hard water and you keep dumping in acid until it levels off you have created a buffer. But you might also be creating a toxic salt situation that can cause other issues. I know the calcium phosphate leaves copious amounts of white powder that cause a mess, clog emitters if you use them and cause God only knows what other issues. Plus, the presence of all those salts are going to screw up your EC reading leaving you to guess how much is nutrient.

Good job on applying what you are learning, but I think the less crap you have in your water the better. Start with clean water and adjust minimally.