Using Beginner Nutes


Well-Known Member
I've had a couple successful runs under my belt now, and I seem to be doing alright for the most part. When I first started the guy at the local hydro store suggested that I start with the FloraDuo A&B, and to supplement with cal-mag. Well, that's what I have been doing now for quite some time and it seems to work, but I always feel like I am getting judged when I purchase the beginner nutes. I just happened to run out of part A and need more, but I always feel so self conscious when I go to purchase it. I'm probably just overthinking this, right? I mean it's cheap, easy, and it works.. why switch it up and have more work and room for error on my part?


Well-Known Member
Welcome How are you today? Nutrients are like assholes everyone sell one. LOL I use a Jacks Classic 20-20-20 for veg and MaxSea 3-20-20 in flower. Do some research and see what works best for your growing style not by what the label says.


Well-Known Member
I've been using the foxfarm trio and been doing great with it. They're simple, and contain everything plants need. Of course you can supplement with things like cha ching but the trio is a quality nutrient set that's easy to use