Use a Fan or Not when Drying the Stuff



I am planning on drying in a tent, but not sure if I shall use the Fan(s) or not.
The Main Fan is a Its a 600W "Coal filter" thats a direct transeltation ^^

The 2 others are just regular fans...

So, Just use the Main, or all 3 or none of them...




Well-Known Member
I plan on drying my bud ni a PC grow box while the rest of the plants finish in the tent. The PC grow box has 2 little fans on the front, and 2 on the back for ventilation. Do you guys think it would be better to just have the 2 on the back blowing air out of the box creating that negative pressure, or should I turn some of the air intake fans on too?


Well-Known Member
Oh sorry
To answer your question
Turn the filter on
and you can have the fans on to help circulation, just make sure they are not blowing directly on the drying buds